A True Christian knows that the only thing in this life that is free is Salvation. Yet, a Christian also knows that After "Surrendering All to God" he or she must spread The Word of God daily. We also know that God does not give us everything we ask for. That he only gives us that which he deems good/beneficial for us. Not to mention God is the only one that can give us everything, but does not. We learn not to expect everything for free from God, but we will expect everything for free from our brothers and sisters who have only a little more than we do. Just because you have more money than I do, it is neither fair nor right for e to expect you to just give me money or other material items. Is that to say we expect more from our peers and less from God? Then, who is your God? Is it God in Heaven or the man/woman that has more money or material items than we have? That said there are other ways that you can pay for services and material items. Take for example, you need four hours of computer work done on your computer to make it run faster but you have no money. You now need a way to pay for your computer work. Here is a solution when you have no money. I tell you I will do the work on your computer when you get me 4 paying clients/customers that each need four hours of computer work on their respective computers. I can write up a contract to seal the agreement between us. We both agree and sign with a witness present to verify the deal and insure we each keep our word. I can then complete the work on your PC while you are booking the 4 paying clients. Your computer is fixed for based on compensation (payment) that you do have and I get 4 new paying clients. The deal is completed when I get paid from those four clients. That would only cover my labor. You would still be responsible for the respective parts for your computer. So when you computer needs servicing: do not drop your head and get depressed. Stop and think what else you can do to have the service completed on your computer. But I am not, nor would I ever condone" lying down" to pay for your services either. I am sure you know what I mean. Especially if you 20 years of age or older.