11 Jun Data Back Up

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Your Computer As an Investment!

Data Back Up

Those important documents on your hard drive that no one else has a copy of! Just how important are those documents? The last pictures of Grandma that no one else has. Could you forgive yourself if your lost them or will anyone else in the family forgive you? If they are truly important, keep in mind: these are things you can't go to the local retailer and buy these documents or pictures. Once on your computer you are the only one with them. Thus the reason to back up your personal data on a regular basis! Below are several methods that can be used to back up data. There may be more but this should get you started! PC Aid Of FL: Where you can get all of you PC needs at your door!

Frequent Data Backups can be the next best thing since sliced bread for your computer(s). Next to frequent Tune Ups. Not only is Data Backups vital to your business! In addition to having a copy of your data: whether to tape drives, C.D.'s, D.V.D.'s, USB Flash Drives or to external hard drives, but it can also be vital for file transport to other businesses, clients or to your home. You can also back up your data to "web storage" facilities. These web storage areas make your data available where ever you have an Internet connection: especially hi-speed connections. One such location is PC Aid OF FL. The cost depends on your needs!  The important thing is to perform regular data backups. I would recommend that you back up your data at least once a week. Big companies back up their data on a daily basis. If you don't have any time sensitive or sentimental (pictures of grandma or grandchild) data then you can back on a monthly basis. Should you have pictures of grandma at least burn those pictures to a CD or two. Should you not have the time to perform data backups, feel free to call PC Aid of FL for all you PC needs: to include data backup. Just to give an idea you of the differences in storage, a CD will hold 700 Mega Bytes of data. A DVD will hold 4.7 Giga Bytes or almost 7 times what a CD will hold.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55