11 Jun Gasoline Prices

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Lets Evaluate this issue.

 I currently reside in the Orlando, FL Area.  Yes, gas does average around four dollars per gallon, but I ask you to consider a few details.  In a time when it costs $ 100 or so to fill a SUV, I ask you to consider a few things.    Please make sure that you are doing all that you can to make the most of your gasoline.  I know when you live in the city it is difficult to keep your foot off the gasoline, but try not to do 0 to 60 in 2 seconds.  Please make sure your tire pressure is proper.  Please make sure you check and change your oil on a regular basis.  Please make sure you keep your car tuned up as much as possible.  Another thing I noticed here in Florida is that some  like to tailgate.  That we have to be careful with too!  We put an aweful lot of trust in the our cars or the driver in front of us.  We trust we will have enough time to stop or get out of the way safely: even when tailgating!  Some of you may be asking what do I know about cars.  Here goes nothing.  I have owned about 10 cars in my life and have done most things from changing the carpet to changing the alternator to popping the clutch on a standard transmission and then some.  I am currently 40 years old.  

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55