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Education has always meant a lot to me. So in 2011, with the help of my parents we founded the Lawton-Ft. Sill Graduate School of Theology. My parents are in heaven now. If interested in continuing your education, please visit us at https://www.lawtonbibleschool.com. In closing, I would like to leave…
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Reconnecting with the past and embracing ourselves is essential if we are to move forward especially within a society that has been historically anti-black. Over the centuries, Africans within the diaspora have lost touch of their identity and It's no strange coincidence that countless numbers of black people are now…
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Bipartisanship is Dead!  It is a relic from the days of the "White Old Boys Club."  Yesterday we flipped the script.   In the days when the Congress was only white men, they spoke about the collegiality and honor of their fellow politicians. They allowed earmarks for pork barrel projects back home. They called…
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I have a different take on that question. "Does the African American community take the Democratic Party for granted?" The reason I ask that question is that I have voted in every election since I was eligible in 1968 -- local, state, and Presidential elections. Prior to 1965, before I…