06 Mar Races and Negotiation

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[video: 320x240]Even you study the Bible, it becomes clear that Salvation itself is free.  But keep in mind that Jesus trained the disciples and eventually sent them out two by two to share the Good News!  In other words, we need to stop expecting everything for free.  Things are tough for you.  However, life is tough for all of us.  Yes, some of us have it rougher than others.  This is the time for us to ban together even more.  With unemployment at an all time high across the country, we need to go back to bartering as a way to get goods and services.    How you treat me determines how I treat you.  Life has been tough on the African-American/Black/Negro since our ancestors were brought over on slave ships and made to work for free.  Things are not going to get any better for us until we ban together.


One way for us to ban together is to go to our own for goods and services first.  When you learn that our people do not have then you go outside the community.  Look at all the other races: the majority drive the car of their choice.  There is a China Town in every city in America.  And every one of them is nice to look at.  Let's respect our own and then the other races will respect us as a people.   Let's go back to school and get a trade/education.  As long as we don't have the skill set we will never get that Mercedes  or that house in Heathrow.  There is a mindset and a skill set that is required to properly get you there.  

 With that said on to my topic.

Negotiations do not begin with "You too high".  Stop expecting everything for free.  We don't tell the owner of WalMart that he/she is too high.  We see a product, we look to see if we have the money for the product and we buy it when we can.  We complaign that gas is too high.  But does that stop us from buying it?  No.  We pay and suffer through.  We complaign about the price of gas but we never tune up our cars or check the tire pressure or give ourselves adequate time to make to our destination on time.  Because we leave later than we should, we burn more gas trying to get to our job.  Because we leave at ten minutes to eight to get to our job that takes thirty minutes without traffic, we try to do zero to sixty in two seconds flat. Only to arrive there at 8:40 AM. We are over 30 minutes late to our job.  

Want too save money, we need to tune up our cars at least twice a year, check the tire pressure and give ourselves adequate time to arrive at work by ten til eight.  The extra ten minutes gives us 5 minutes to park and 5 minutes to get to our desk/work area.

Even if a item or service is too high, we should start by asking the provider/seller if he/she will take a slightly lower price.  Be prepared for the provider to show how he/she arrived at that cost.  Remember negotiations is just communications to get what we want at a lower cost.  Sometimes you may get a lower price, other times yo may not.  Just keep in mind that times are tough already and if it is a brother or sister that they are having a hard time as well.  Jesus said in Luke 6:31 "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."   Also to paraphrase Luke 6:36 Give each other the benefit of the doubt until we prove otherwise.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55