10 Jun It's an EXCUSE and I'll Prove it to You

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This may or may not apply to you, but it's definitely worth reading.

"I just don't have the money to get started." Excuse or reality?


The truth will shock you!

Every single day we get emails and phone calls from people who tell us how long they have waited to find a program like this. They go on to tell us how they want to change their financial situation, how they want to better their lives, and how they know without a doubt that this Black Business Builders cash generation system is what will help them get to where they want to be financially.

But in the same breath they say, "But I just don't have the money to get started".

They use the EXCUSE that they "don't have any money" as the reason why they can't get started with our cash fow system, and ultimately why their lives will never change.

Make no mistake, 99% of the time it IS an excuse.

When I hear people tell me that they can't get started because they don't have the money, the first thing that comes to mind is that they don't REALLY want to change their financial situation. Because if they did, they would FIND a way.

Oh yes, I know what some of you are saying...

"But Lee, how can you say that? Some people just don't have extra money laying around to get started".

Well, think about this. What if I told you that I would pay you $1,000 in CASH if you could come up with $14 by next Monday. What do you think the odds are that you would have $14 set aside by next Monday?

100%? Doggone right! You will turn your house upside down to get the $14.

No one in their right mind would let $1,000 slip through their fingers just because they might not have $14 in their pocket. THEY WILL FIND IT!

Do you see my point?

You see it's NOT about whether you have money, it's about whether or not you are motivated ENOUGH to FIND IT! And then work to get it back. It's not about money it's about confidence and belief.

Most people are just WISHING for money, a better life, and nicer things. But they don't want to go through the EFFORT of acquiring them. They have bought into the lie that success is easy or happens like winning the lottery. And all they do is look for reasons (EXCUSES) WHY they can't do something!

The problem with that approach is that it becomes a way of life. It becomes a habit. You become comfortable with not having the things in life that you want. You become comfortable with things just being "okay". And the only way you are going to change things is if ONE day you wake up and say...




I am going to do SOMETHING to change my life RIGHT NOW!

I am going to START TODAY!

I am going to do WHATEVER I need to do to accomplish MY DREAMS, because no one else is going to do it for me!

The truth is that there are ALWAYS going to be EXTERNAL obstacles and forces that tell you that you can't do something. If you're going to wait until all the lights are green before you start your car, you'll sit in your driveway forever. Most of the greatest accomplishments of our time were made by people who overcame incredible obstacles in order to achieve greatness. How did they do it? They didn't make excuses...they were people of ACTION! They didn't let ANYTHING stand in the way of their success.

So, if you're saying "I don't have any money", then my response to you is this:

You have two choices:

A.) You can continue to make EXCUSES for yourself, and wind up leading the same kind of life in 5 years that you are today.


B.) You can STOP making excuses and DO SOMETHING to make a change for yourself!

What it boils down to is this...

If you don't have the money to get started that's EXACTLY why you should get involved! You can't afford NOT to!

Think about this: If you are a GROWN adult over 25 and you do not have the money it takes to get started in this business, something is SERIOUSLY WRONG. Maybe you...

- made some bad life choices.
- don't manage your money well.
- have wrong priorities.
- don't take personal responsibility for your life.
- or are just plain lazy and don't want to work.

I don't know what the reasons are. And I don't need (or want) to know. But what you need to do is take a SERIOUS look in the mirror and ask yourself...

"What is it that I TRULY want out of life."


Whatever your answer is, that should be your motivation for getting started with our Black Business Builders Club, RIGHT NOW. But remember, you need to do this for YOUR reasons. Not anyone else's. And if YOUR REASON is BIG enough and motivating enough, you will do WHATEVER it takes (morally and legally) to make it so. Because ONCE you find the thing that TRULY motivates you, there will be NO MORE EXCUSES. You will be UNSTOPPABLE!

But there's a flipside....

If you DON'T start now, WHEN are you going to do something!?

Some people tell me, "I'm going to get started in a couple of weeks." Or a couple of months. And that's a joke. Because I know that I could call them back in a "couple of weeks" or a "couple of months" and their situation will be no different than it is today. Nobody is going to do this for you. Obama and Hillary aren't going to pick up pieces. The White Knight in Shining Armor is a myth. And there is NEVER going to be a perfect moment when ALL the stars are in alignment and Ed McMahon (he's in foreclosure himself, so he definitely can't help) shows up on you doorstep with the BIG SWEEPSTAKES check.

You have to do this YOURSELF.

When you FINALLY have the ATTITUDE that you are going to do WHATEVER it takes to make a DRAMATIC change in your life, and then FOLLOW THROUGH with MASSIVE ACTION because you have a driving reason WHY...then you will have EVERYTHING you need to START achieving your dreams.

You will find a way.
You will be creative.
You will work harder.
You will work smarter.
You will keep going.
You will not stop.



You see, this message doesn't JUST apply to getting started with Black Business Builders. This message applies to your WHOLE LIFE. It all starts with a decision. The decision to create the kind of life that you DESERVE....not just the one you might be settling for now.

So, let me ask you...

Are you ready to make a decision and change it all?

STOP whatever you're doing and go check this out right now...


Watch the VIDEO and really listen to the underlying MESSAGE being shared by a highly successful entrepreneur and then click the link to get started today!

Peace and Blessings,

Lee Green
Black Business Advocate

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55