26 Nov I believe in you because you're YOU

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My wife and my friends always tease me about the fact that I have a habit of seeing the good in people.  Like clockwork, they feel that I"m always looking to make the best out of a situation.

Well for me, it's a little deeper than that.

When I was growing up (and WELL into my twenties), I can CONFIDENTLY say that I was 'Steven Urkel'.  For those of you who don't know who THAT is, just know that I was a REAL nerd (or let some of my friends tell it, I still am. LOL)

When your self esteem about certain areas of your life is low, you tend to draw strength from other areas.  One of my strengths lied in my ability to listen others and share with my insight and belief that they are more special than they realize. 

So many times we find ourselves being beat down and looking for someone to listen and expound.  Someone who will give us the chance to speak about our inner feelings.

However, just talking is sometimes not enough.  You can talk about how miserable you are.  You can talk about how sad you are.  You can talk about how you just can't figure things out.

In the end, what I found worked for me in connecting with others and what people long for is for someone to sift through the forest of deep despair and focus on the internal light of their inner glow.  Yes, yes, I know that sounds corny as hell but you gotta look at it from a bigger perspective.

So many times, you want someone to believe in you because you are YOU!!  It doesn't have to be anything spectacular.  It's just YOU!  And you will be surprised.  Just because you're athletic, doesn't mean you have belief in yourself.  Just because you're gorgeous, doesn't mean you have belief in yourself.  Just because you're smart, doesn't mean you have belief in yourself.  Sometimes, you want belief in YOU!

Listen, we all grow up with different types of social and psychological baggage.  Some of it that we can get rid of and some of it we can't .  However, some of us just need someone who is willing to take a look, a SERIOUS look into what we're saying, what we're feeling, and what we're feeling and NOT give a superficial FLUFF ass response. 

Sometimes, we just want someone who can pull that light that is inside of us OUT and to the FRONT so that someone can make us feel as if they believe in US.  So remember, in the end, YOU are the one who makes it a REALITY and a FANTASY! The belief is YOU!
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55