09 Aug Making Money....saving money

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You can save on all travel services anywhere...but what about saving and making money??

Would you like to go to Egypt on 12 day excursion for less than your neigbors and write that off your taxes?

Would you like to hire your 8 year old child & write that off while paying them to share your business with others (teachers, friends' parents, bus drivers???)

Would you like to add a travel service (increasing your income potential) to your present business?

Would you like to present this travel business to your local non-profit organization, church etc?~~and make money from that???

Would you like to start doing better in business now than later????

Great....check me out, because I'm doing it with the Lord's help....and a little patience.


It's not just about me...it's about you.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55