09 Sep Get Over it!

Written by Published in iZania Community Blog Read 1376 times
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I have always been on the receiving end of hurt and pain. People don't realize that their truth hurts just as much as my truth.

So, why am I wrong and they are right? What are they walking in? Well, the time has come that no matter who is right and who is wrong: GET OVER IT.

 There is nothing like living life in the middle of the problems others have created and put over you. You cannot go on. I could not go on. In the middle of the trials and struggles the stresses and the mishaps, I felt myself drifting away from the knowledge of what is right and trying to love with the Love of the LORD. I found myself allowing the enemy to come in and take my JOY.....WHY?

Becuase I couldn't get over it!

My truth lies in between the good word of God; Genesis thru Revelation has all of my well needed instructions to get through. BUT, my trust lies with and in my GOD in heaven. When I say Get over IT...get over the trials ASAP, get over the church hurt, get over the job loss or the failing economy and start trusting in GOD! He is the way out for all of His children

At some point you have to start looking up and  not out at people!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55