21 Oct The Spirit Said 20

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The Spirit Said 20

Twenty Women in the Milwaukee Area that are struggling financially and still trying to pamper themselves. I need 20 women, that want one day for them now that school has started and fall is upon us. I need 20 women that want more for less! I need 20!

I need a fab 20 set of women to sign up for the FREE SPA DAY!
At the manifestation conference luncheon, September 27th,  the Holy Spirit put it on my heart to offer something for free. Something that will give to the women that always give of themselves. Something that will help others see that the reward is in the giving, not the receiving or the taking (AMEN?). The Lord hasn't shown me how this will be financed, but I am trusting in HIM totally.

The services will include:

Healthy Temple Training (eating, vitamins, etc)
and a gift bag for all.

 I am sponsoring this event through 4, My Kids; my rising non-profit that will families eliminate debt and provide scholarships for teens.

 Although I am still working on service providers that want to bring this vision to life, I have received many donations for the gift bags and we have 18 women pre-registered and the list keeps growing. I have added an additional day in December for the next 20; weather permitting.

 God has been so good to HIS servant, I am being totally obedient.

 If you find it in your heart to help some kind of way, I"m an email away!!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55