15 Apr Have you seen the KIDS?

Written by Published in iZania Community Blog Read 1251 times
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I have recently established 4, My Kids, Inc in hopes to help families in my community eliminate debt and obtain scholarships for college.

 It is time that people, as whole, look at how they can give from the heart to those in need. This organization was built on biblical principles and will thrive to help God's people.

 Shoud an organization built on spirituality worry you? No, it should help you see how you WANT and someone else NEEDS; if you desire to have your wants filled shouldn't you be a sower of many seeds? At least one seed?

No sir, no ma'm, we are not beggars, we are servants. There are many hungry because of the economy, homeless because of debt, or struggling because lack of an education. Everyone should have the same opportunities offered to us no matter where they are in life. AMEN? 

Have you seen the KIDS? Have you been to the site? Stop by and find out what we are doing and the help we need to get it done. God is with us; allow HIM to be in and with you. Pray about it.

4, My Kids, Inc

If you feel you would like to get more in return besides satisfaction in your soul, sign up for our webinar!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55