09 Oct Are Your Press Releases Getting No Respect

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As a veteran journalist, I have seen more than my fair share of press releases.  Some of them were so poorly written that I prayed no money was exchanged. 

Are you one of those people who wonders why you never get any traction from the press releases you send out? Maybe you're the Rodney Dangerfield of press releases-you get no respect because your releases aren't worthy of the kind of attention you think they deserve.

How many of these press releases do you think editors get to read every day?

  • How many long, badly-worded releases will they read before, eventually, they become instantly
    put off just by the length of a press release?
  • And how much more likely do you think it is that an editor will read your SHORT, quick-to-read, press

Many press releases are often ignored either because they are poorly written or fail to offer anything of value to the journalist who is looking for a news or feature story. You must have a story to tell, a hook, or an interesting angle.

Another thing, it doesn't matter how well you have written your press release, if it's too long then it won't get read. So keep your press release short. Remove words that do not need to be there.

If you follow these simple rules you will restore the respect your press release truly deserves.

To get your free copy of BAMedia's: How to Make Headlines with Your Press Release, click here:  Press Release ebook

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55