10 Oct Black people united by our Economic Enslavement 2nd Edition Vol 2

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 2nd Edition OVERVIEW

I choose this title for the second edition of my blog becasue many argue all the time that blacks are not united but it is clear to me that we are united in our Economic Enslavement. Yes, as we learned in the first edition, regardless of your financial standing as an individual you are still enslaved as a member of our race.

TROY DAVIS, A NEW PERSPECTIVE for him and for our people.

Troy Davis: Is it Racism or Economic Enslavement that we should be talking about?

Once again, the cry for racism was heard around the world as Troy Davis took his last breath. It was as if we finally had the proof we needed to show that racism still exists in this world. My question, is how much do you need to be called into action at this point in our history in this country.

There was another outpouring of phone calls, letters, petitions and marching to show our support for Troy Davis and his cause for being found innocent and not to be put to death. In spite of our grand efforts, we did a great job collectively, his death was imminent and could not be stopped.

 Many still are blind to our lack of empowerment with how we use our money, how we see money,  and our mindset about money. Isn't it amazing that once again, our leaders explored all these solutions to address the Troy Davis case but somehow avoided or overlooked the most obvious solution to his problem, MONEY!!

If this case was so important and if we truly felt compelled to address why did we not explore more dialogue around how to exploit the legal system to free him? Did we not learn from the OJ trial what powerful attorneys can do to win justice?

Where was Troy Davis's "Super Team" fighting for his life and freedom. Where was his team of high profile attorneys that merely showing up to see him in jail would of brought constant camera's with them. Where was his Jonny Cochran that would have garnered national media attention right from the start and asked the media the question whether GA is a racist state? Mr. Cochran would of eliquently posed some tough questions that would of rocked the State of GA to its core.

He would of been relentless in his daily quest to stir things up? Yes, instead of all that writing and marching why didn't we raise 10 million dollars to buy the best legal minds in this country to free this man? Did we not believe in his cause? I think not! We were just blinded by our Economic Enslavement which causes us to miss out on the obvious, a finacial solution to a legal problem.

A person with a free and rich mind would first explore financial solutions. Whereas a poor minded person, enslaved and limited in their thoughts avoids finances to solve thier problems becasue they don't think that they can afford it.

Had we gotten comfortable in our comfort zone of discussing this issue on black talk radio shows, black media and amongst ourselves. It was as if we believed that our problem was America's problem. Sure, celebrities and high profile people spoke out on the issue but that didn't cause it to reach mainstream america. We needed a spokesperson who was capable of getting on CNN, Good Morning America and presenting a position that would bring about change.

We needed this super legal mind several years ago when his first appeals had begun. Let's not forget that he was first scheduled for exectution in 2006 and that several courts had heard his case over the years.

Yes, it is time to change our approach to solving our problems. We must be ready and willing to put our money where our talk is. We must be ready the next time we have a major problem to put up our collective money to show the world that we have the financial might to solve it. 


For those new to the blog, you can read my other posts by searching under 'buy black' for the first edition. All comments welcome and appreciated. Let's learn and grow together.

Please encourage a friend to check out the articles. I will be writing one or two every month and continue my ongoing research on the topic.

Note: The blog is really growing, we are up to 100 hits a week!! Thanks for all your support.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55