08 Oct The Blurred Vision of Mainstream Media

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I don't know how many of you have been following Occupy Wall Street over the past month or so, but as a veteran journalist I can tell you, this is a clear example of how something has gone terrible wrong with the way the traditional news media is deciding what stories they deem "newsworthy" to the public.

Journalists who are covering the events in New York City are now finding themselves under attack by law enforcement officers. A Fox New York camera man was pepper sprayed and a reporter was struck by a baton in the melee. These are NOT the stories being shown on our nightly news.

For years, the traditional media has been accused of being too liberal-when, in essence, that's not the case at all. What the general public fails to realize is advertising dollars dictate what will be shown and how far the news media will go or not go in presenting "just the facts."

The media has conditioned us to believe that what they present to us are the important stories:  Natalee Holloway, Amanda Knox, etc.  Why do we never see any of the missing black children stories?  Could it be that the media doesn't think it's of interest to the general public?  Did they take a survey and find out?  Do you think the Tea Party would've ever become a force had it not been given so much media coverage? 

The fact of the matter is the vision of the "traditional media" has become blurred over the last decade. That's why social media, now more than ever, has not only become relevant but IMPORTANT.  That's why you must continue to support sites like iZania and others who are trying to make a difference.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55