07 Oct Why I Left iZania

Written by Published in iZania Community Blog Read 4969 times
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First of all let me say, I truly admire the work Roger Madison is doing in keeping us informed and aware of what's going on in "our" world.

As a veteran journalist, I came to iZania a few years ago hoping to offer my expertise, spread some truth and sell some books.  I left feeling like no one was listening or cared about what I had to say.  Too many people on the site were busy promoting their products and services---which is NOT what a blog is really intended for.  Let me repeat that:  you don't write a blog for the sole purpose of marketing your products or business.

Roger Madison truly has the right idea.  Unite us---because united we are a force to be reckoned with.  That means supporting each other in our endeavors because, believe me, it's not all about YOU or ME.  It's about the greater good.

I have returned to iZania because I believe in Roger and I also believe "united we stand...divided we fall."

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55