06 Jun The Money Behind the Marriage

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My husband and I were married on June 3, 2006. I chose that particular month because it was the same month my parents got married (1952) and it's also my birthday month. 

Did you know June is the most popular month for weddings---followed by August, May and September?

Upon doing some research to see how expensive weddings have become, I discovered the following facts:

* The average wedding costs more than $28,200. 

* The reception accounts for 43 percent of wedding costs, with an average price tag of $12,343.

* Outside of the reception, the largest chunks of money are going to engagement rings ($5,000), photography and video ($3,378), music ($1,297), and wedding rings ($1,727).

* The average wedding cake costs $461.

* The current average cost of an engagement ring is $5,002, down $229 from 2012's average cost of $5,229.

* The average wedding dress costs $1,380, up $25 from 2012's average cost of $1,355.

* The average bridesmaids' dress costs $134, consistent with the cost in 2012. 

*$72 billion per year is spent on weddings

*$8 billion per year is spent on honeymoons

*The average honeymoon budget is $3,657

Our honeymoon ended up being the most expensive cost for us when we traveled to St. Lucia. How expensive was YOUR wedding?
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55