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Once again black people are first to discover and last to benefit. In 2006 a black man wrote a book called Undercover Smart. In that book he told us that the Spanish players were on the move and that by the year 2015 the Spanish players will absorb, deplete and eliminate the African Americans from the game.

The year is now 2011 (5 years later)


The last faction of the Spanish players (The Latinos) made it officially known to blacks in 2011 that constantly include them in their troubles that they are Spanish players and not the allies of African Americans, so stop counting us in.

The latinos solidified the Spanish players rank to 5 million strong and counting. The Spanish players desperately need to expand their consumption of land, food and water to accommodate their massive increase in numbers.

5 years have passed since Undercover Smart gave black America heads up - first notice. Undercover Smart told you that the Spanish players were on the move and that we need to prepare to defend our right to exist through intelligent strategy or perish.

The Spanish players now have the African Americans surrounded and engulfed. They have given the African Americans the ultimatum of elimination or freedom.

African Americans are being forced by free will to choose elimination or freedom even if freedom for the African American is found in voluntarily returning to slavery the African Americans must now decide.

By the year 2015 the circle of death will close forever on the African American from the elimination by the Spanish players of the African American residual resources of land, food and water.

African Americans not knowing how to provide for themselves or defend their right to exist through education are forced by free will to return voluntarily back into southern chattle slavery.  

The Spanish players in 2011 have just closed ranks as one faction. They are purchasing all the homes, neighborhoods, communities and businesses left abandoned by blacks or sold to them by white Americans.

The Spanish players are seizing and staking claim and territory over all domestic jobs and occupations. The Spanish players are constantly closing the circle of death around us.

Even the European players are feeling the heat from the Spanish expansion and need for natural resources. At this very moment the European players are in a "Custer's" last stand to survive as they attempt to fend off a five pronged assault from the Iraqis, Spanish, Chinese, Afghan and North Korean players.

The European players intend to fight to the last man if need be and even if the European players by some hail Mary do succeed they will not be coming back this way. Even as I write this the European players have retreated their women and children behind their digital technology and firewall.

The Europeans are at this very moment rapidly dismantling the same domestic infrastructure that African Americans are still trying to build their future and dreams upon.

What makes this situation different from all others is the fact that this situation is not motivated by racial hatred. The Spanish players through population growth need our residual resources for their survival as well.

This is about survival.

To slow down the Spanish players advance the Chicago trade unions have closed all apprenticeship programs.The bricklayers, cement workers, drywall finishers and carpenters became the latest to suspend programs. The closing of apprenticeships hasten the African American extinction from the trades.

Meanwhile Detroit with a 89% African American presence and in a futile attempt to stave off the inevitable one last time plans to cutoff city services including road repairs, police patrols, street lights, and garbage collection in 20% of Detroit.

The mayor's plan surrenders 20% of the city to gangs and the homeless. Blacks have already fled Detroit and other urban areas for sanctuary in the south and what awaits them in the south is the volunteer slavery of 1800's in the 21st century.

Georgia are locking down young black males with impunity, forcing them back into slavery and overall making blacks celebrate the confederate flag.

Southern whites are buying up houses blacks are losing and forcing blacks back on to the rural farm areas where they can find affordable housing which turns out to be run down properties whites bought and rehabbed before they entered the black areas to buy black forclosed homes. Many blacks in the south are being forced to work on farms for the first time in their lives.

In the Northern police departments roam the urban city streets like slave catchers looking for and locking up young black males and subjecting them to high or no bonds.

The Cook County Jail in Chicago sells young black male prisoners to outside collar counties in the south. They are selling black males into southern collar county slavery by labeling black males gang members and troublemakers.

In New York there are 6 agencies that dominate and determine the image you see of black actors, models or extras on television or the big screen. Black actors or actresses must pass through one of these agencies before appearing on television or the big screen.

Any and all black actors must serve as sidekicks, support or comic relief to or for white actors. Black actors must never walk in front of white actors, only behind white actors. The black women must appear acceptable to inter-racial relationships but only where the man is white and the woman is black. The most damaging neutered and castrating effect upon the black image is found in the requirement that all black men are to be shaved bald head-ed.

All the black men are required to be bald headed because for the agencies it is all a matter of perception. The long flowing mane of the lion is what makes the lion king of the jungle. The female lion is just as regal but she has no hair and therefore is perceived as weaker. A shaved/bald head is the ultimate perception of weakness.

It is by design that the agencies proliferate media images of bald-headed African American men. Images of bald-headed African American men alert and witness to the world and global media community that white men are the male lions and the black men are the female lions.

The 6 dominating agencies work in concerted effort to minimize and nullify any positive perceptions or images of black people as being smart, talented, gifted or capable of courage, leadership or respect. If however you are a black and gifted actor to the point that no matter what they attempt you still rise and shine then the agency will claim you as their meal ticket and immediately separate you from your kind.

If African Americans are thinking about escaping to traditional living, practicing Ma'at and ancestral rituals you still will need water, food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and electricity.

If African Americans are thinking about escaping to Africa or any other international destination or port then forget about it. Spain is off limits. Spain assembled a firing squad and killed over 1,000 African refuges camped outside their walls that were seeking entry into Spain.

The Italian Mafia has enslaved all incoming and escaping Africans seeking refuge in their country. If you complain about being a slave, slave wages or your living conditions the Italian Mafia will kill you.

Libya has also entered the African refuge slave trade by intercepting all vessels suspected of having African refuges aboard.  Libya has also warned England against letting  (quote UN-quote,) "Ignorant Africans" enter into their country.  England was also warned that their global status would be vastly diminished if they continued to do so.


Read the book. The escape to a better life is in the book. A black man wrote Undercover Smart. Read it. Believe it and trust it. Undercover Smart is to only escape route for the African American.



This is no book advertisement. This is a real life 

Undercover Smart is not a book African Americans should read, it is a book you had better read.

Read Undercover Smart or perish.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55