27 Mar Aroma Therapy: Essential Oils That Are Known to Be Helpful for Radiation Damage

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Essential oils that are known to be helpful for radiation damage and other health challenges!
By Marie McCohnell
Dearest Sister and Brother Friends, While we never want to be in fear over "any-thing", it does not hurt to have essential oils (Aroma Therapy) on hand to help support us, our family members and friends should we experience health challenges.  There has been much sad news about about planet Earth and her children over the past weeks. There are cultural and planetary changes that are affecting every living thing. The treat of radiation contamination continues to be a reality that we all must now face.  I went to Essential Oils Reference book  complied by Essential Science Publishing, and read that the following essential oils and supplements are helpful in dealing with radiation damage:  Single OIls:   Melaleuca and Blends Melrose...Melaleuca or neroli with Melrose.  Supplements:  Radex, A.D. & E, Super C, Power Meal, ImmuneTune, and Essential Manna.  For external damage:  Apply A.D.&E topically.  Also Mix Melrose with melaleuca and apply neat or mix in 1 oz. V-6 Mixing Oil or massage oil base.  Rub on location.  For internal damage:  Take Super C, Power Meal, A.D. & E.  All of these are available via http://www.youngliving.org/foodforhearts.  Sincerely Marie McCohnell for additional information go to www.foodforhearts.com click on the aroma therapy page.  PS The most important thing to is to have absolute faith that you and yours will be just fine!
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55