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    Since the recent Japan earthquake / tsunami disaster, I've been wondering what's really going on with the radiation/nuclear reactor Leaks? Apparently, we are not being informed on the seriousness of this disaster from the governments in question. For starters, the reports of the level of amounts of radiation spewed into the atmosphere gradually increases every week sometimes every 3 -4 days. On the first day as we woke to the news of the disaster, as I watched the footage I also listened to reports from experts claiming that as the radiation leaks from those reactors will eventually reach into the atmosphere to be carried across the planet. The latest report I heard this morning is that Radiation Reached 10 million times the nuclear level. It's also been reported that levels of radiation has turned up all over the world including the United States. In Boston, radiation has turned up in the rain droplets. In Chicago, radiation has turned up at O'Hare airport- and in California, there's a new strain of virus (a result of radiation poisoning) that cancels our Immune system... and it goes on and on -city to city- as more reports are coming in everyday from across the country.  The rain from clouds affected by this radiation will deposit it down into the oceans, rivers, lakes & land- can anyone say radioactive rain? So if it's in the water and on the land, that means it's in the food supply & food chain. And don't forget that if it's in the atmosphere, the elements are in the air we breathe - we will be breathing this into our lungs. When we are poisoned by radiation it attacks the glands that support the immune systems that fight cancer. What does this all mean??? In reality, honest medical experts claim there are no safe levels of radiation. I remember that the consumer report found that radiation was leaking from microwave ovens when they were introduced to the consumer market in the 70's? It was recommended by the Health Department & that we refrain from buying these ovens until they were perfected from leaking radiation and I thank god that my mother followed that advice because I do believe that many individuals have been affected by these devices which is the cause of their varied illnesses and irrational behavior.  

Pregnant women aren't supposed to be exposed to radiation at any time- in fact it is recommended that females shouldn't fly when pregnant because of higher doses of radiation in the planes & atmosphere. Don't take for granted of the Media reports that it is safe because of the small amounts found everywhere. Even a healthy person can be affected by small doses of radiation and even more so infants. Every biological system is different which I had mentioned to friends just this past week.

Did we learn anything from the 3 Mile Island accident??? We were told everything is fine, but that was not true. That major radiation release killed over 300 people there and there was never an accurate reading of radiation levels released. To this day, lawsuits are in effect from this disaster.

Is Tepco- (Tokyo Electric Power Co.) telling us what's really going on? Is the U.S. government telling us what's really going on? Based on past experience and our governments reputation, obviously not. We all know that governments lie until we find out about the truth. The Media is busy bombarding/distracting us with continuous coverage of the bombardment of Libia while the very core of our health is being attacked and or at jeopardy. Tonight (3/38/2011) as I write this piece, President Obama will add to the bombardment by addressing the nation on the Libia Situation but why isn't he addressing the nation of an obvious pending Medical Disaster??? I for one am ordering the potassium Iodine tablets and Kelp. Many Radiation Medical Professionals recommend taking Kelp and also sea salt.

I mentioned in an article last year that in order to succeed in whatever we're trying to accomplish, the first point of order is maintaining our health. Our health comes first and the fact that the governments are not informing and or misleading the public of the seriousness of this matter is tantamount to launching an attack on the health of the population of the earth. Perhaps this move is to help pharmaceutical companies and Medical Institutions prosper from selling these iodine tablets and Medical treatments which we will be forced to take as the evidence is just too profound to be ignored by the media & population. But by then will it be too late for certain individuals or perhaps all who have not heeded the early warnings and taken the kelp or Iodine pills? The first sign of sickness will be various forms of viruses' people will contract because of the breaking down of our immune systems. The second sign will be traces of cancers in individuals. There is already a report (seen on world news) of a virus found in California where there are no vaccines' strong enough to fight it and if you are infected, you can die within a month. Now since that report was broken, there has been nothing mentioned of this outbreak since last week.

I was furious when I compiled this information over the past two weeks which is why I had to inform everyone because this is some serious S--T! This can also lead to governments launching an emergency state of medical incarceration to curtail infected individuals. Our best form of defense is information followed by action. Whether you're a business person / entrepreneur or just a concerned individual trying to maintain your health, perhaps this is your wake-up call to make this your next big move (securing your health for the benefit of your business, family or self) especially if you're managing your business or starting a business. Ironically, as I finalized this article, I read the uncanny timing- inspirational Quote of the Day on MFN; http://www.multifacetnet.com/ by John F. Kennedy which profoundly states... "All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin."

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55