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A little black girl goes to school and her teacher goes on facebook and makes fun of her hairstyle. The little black girl's mother becomes outraged and threatens to sue the school system.  

African Americans become emotional and sensitive because they put the word Negro on the census count or because some white person says, "those folks".

Peraica, who is white and represents the western suburbs, was talking about how cutting the county's share of the sales tax could help the unemployed -- mentioning specifically how the African American community has been hit especially hard by joblessness and how "those folks" could benefit from slashing the tax.

The two words "those folks" set off Commissioner Deborah Sims, an African American whose district covers Chicago's South Side and the south suburbs. "I'm offended. 'Those folks?' If that isn't the most racist statement that's ever been made in this board," Sims fired back.

Black people substitute reading, critcal thinking, logic and reasoning with impulsive actions and emotional responses and since black people are so emotional and sensitive once you hurt a black persons feelings they want to boycott you, march on you and call as many people as they can to tell them not to do business with you .

This type of childish behavour, arrested development and primitive response coupled with the fact that black people won't read is what keeps black people from achieving the business savvy of being recognized as business professionals and educated consumers.

No matter how many reports or graphs come out detailing our buying habits and the need for black people to support black business it is because black people won't read that they pay no notice to the reports, graphs or calls to support one another.

Even though a company may have the product you need or the need for you to support your own when asked why you don't buy from this black person or that black business the answer is not as complicated as reports, graphs or black consumer buying habits.

Their reason is very simplistic, straight forward and to the point... "I just don't like you."

Dear Black America 2011

The flood gates of jobs, wealth, opportunity and prosperity are already beginning to open

As the flood gates of jobs, wealth, opportunity and prosperity opens it is every race, nationality and group for itself and it is God for us all.

If we get locked behind the closing gate of opportunities and fail to compete with other races, nationalities and groups for these incoming jobs African Americans are finished.

Don't look for nor expect other races, nationalities and groups to look out for us with crumbs, jobs and construction set-asides .

1) Read and Implement UNDERCOVER SMART strike while the iron is hot.

2) Go to: http://www.undercoversmart.com/ and download any given job title. Perfect the "How To Job" into a job for you.

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face simply because..."I just don't like you."

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55