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As of right now only the white man can save the Planet Earth and get the girl in the end. Only the China man can be a Super Cop and only the Spanish man can be machete. Black people you are the help, Driving Miss daisy or a Maid in Manhattan.

It’s bad enough that white America portray us that way but no one and…(I do mean no one ) can portray black people as slaves, losers, quitters, rapist, robbers, abusers, deadbeats, sex offenders and murderer’s like black people can of ourselves.

Black people purposely and deliberately while using great care; effort and research seek out demeaning, self-defeating photos of our destruction and demise. They race each other to desktop publish them to the Internet for the rest of us as if only black people will see them.

As soon as someone post a slave photo that is emotionally taunting then the next black person driven by “that’s’ nothing, look at this” will post a photo even more disturbing, defeating in mind, body, soul and spirit than the last one.

Before long a cold war between black people over slave imagery has started. The winner and authority of black suffering will be the black person with the worst possible photo of us being in the worst, shape, condition and light there is.

It is the same plantation battle today as what took place when black slaves fought each other over which one had a better white slave master except for now it is which slave master did black people the cruelest and dirtiest..

It gets really ignorant now because here come the young black imagery para-revolutionary generation generals with flawed logic, no reasoning, critical thinking or high school diploma.

They show up on the internet ready to take the image fight to the white man.


The revolution has begun and the young black imagery para-revolutionary generation generals strategy to win the revolution is to fuel the emotional indignation of civilized society by writing under the black death and tortured slave images “Never forget!!!”

And… how is black America choosing "never to forget?" You don’t want to know but….. I am going to tell you anyway.

Black America's “ never to forget” strategy is based on researching, searching, gathering and posting over the world wide Internet every slave lynching, beating, raping, myth, legend, story, hearsay and whatever horrific image of black people we can find to remind us “Never to forget” and to show white America “look what you did to us” ...... ( Yeah… that will show him. ) ~ sarcasm

Black America we have a weak, ineffective and embarrassingly stupid strategy.

Our strategy by way of the worldwide Internet is to deliberately put forth images portraying and showcasing ourselves as slaves, losers, quitters, rapist, robbers, abusers, deadbeats, sex offenders and murderers when the first battle in the 21st century world revolution is being waged over self-imagery.

Our battle cry and strategy of “ Never forget” is making sure Black America "never forgets" and therefore our revolutionary victory and justice will be to make white America feel bad for what they did to us… FORGET ABOUT IT.

If black American's ever stop wearing our feelings and hearts on their sleeves to look up and live we would immediately notice and instantly see that there are white people standing and posing in the same photos next to the hanged, beaten or burned corpses of black men and women. …

HERE’S A CLUE MY TEAMMATES…. White America doesn’t care....Try something new.

The native Indians got tired of seeing their image tarnished so they did something about it. They took control of their own imagery… http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/

Every self-respecting race has uplifted, updated, upgraded and uploaded and put forth a stronger more positive image as the world turns…except black people.

The revolution has already started but you don’t see it because that’s not how you see yourself. I am on team black America and I got to be honest…. IMAGE IS EVERYTHING and…you guys are making me look bad.

Black America’s revolution image strategy – GRADE F - Try again.

Sincerely Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55