01 Oct Relaxed Hair Needs TLC Too!

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It seems as if everyone is going natural these days for different reasons, some because it's a trend or because of severe chemical damage, others for spiritual or health reasons. Whatever the Actual Before and After Picsreason, there are a ton of resources that cater to styling or caring for natural hair. But, not everyone is going natural, and not everyone wants to go natural, so for those that continue to relax their hair, here are a few tips to keeping your relaxed hair as healthy as possible.

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Do not over process your hair: Relax the hair no more than every 3 months or when there is a minimum of 1 inch of new growth.

Relax the new growth only: If you can't see in the back of your head, have someone else relax the back for you.

Follow instructions carefully: Relaxers are filled with extremely strong ingredients, be sure to make sure you are following instructions exactly. Do not leave the relaxer in for longer than the directions indicate; the longer you keep it in, the weaker your hair will be.

Do not double process the hair: Make sure you apply any chemicals at a minimum, two weeks post relaxers. This means dyes or extensions.

Cut down on heat usage: If you must use a heating appliance, do so on the lowest setting possible to get the desired results; If you can skip the blow dryer altogether.

Keep you ends healthy: The ends have been with us the longest, so they tend to have the most damage; make sure you are focusing on the ends when moisturizing and strengthening the hair.

Strengthening the hair: Relaxed hair is generally drier and weaker because the chemical kills the strongest part of our hair and diminishes the protein in our hair, so it is extremely important to deep condition relaxed hair regularly (weekly if possible). It's a great idea to follow up every touch up with a protein treatment such as Admire Protein Mask , or a deep conditioner such as Love.


Relaxed hair will benefit greatly from natural products because they tend to be healing and gentle. Using great products plus these basic tips to keeping your relaxed hair healthy will definitely lead to longer, stronger, relaxed hair. If you want a wonderful kit to combat the dryness and strengthen the hair, click HERE! for the kit for fine relaxed hair or HERE for medium to thick relaxed hair.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55