28 Jul August is B.E.F.Y. Month!

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August is B.E.F.Y. (black, educated, focused, and young) Month on AfterThoughts With S. Denice Newton on Blog Talk Radio. There is a lot of negative stereotyping of black youth today. These shows will highlight and focus on several young, black individuals who have defied the odds and found success through education, determination and will. All of these guests are under age 35 and have advanced degrees. They are lawyers, educators, consultants, psychologists, and business owners. Join us for our first B.E.F.Y. guest, Dr. Alicia Francis (Dr. Li) who has just written a book entitled K.I.M. (keep it moving). She is also a motivational speaker, author, and educator. Check out her website at http://www.pleasekim.com/.  This show will air Saturday, August 1, 2009 at 6PM. For further information visit my website at http://www.sandradnewton.com/ or my Blog Talk Radio site at www.blogtalkradio.com/S-Denice-Newton.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55