08 Sep Will You Just Go Away Already!

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I don't know about you, but I am personally fed up with non-stop, irrelevant news about Sarah Palin and her family. The ex-governor-turned-publicity hound-turned-de facto leader of the Conservative movement and Tea Party is bleeding followers dry by demanding outrageous six-figure speaking fees. If it weren't so sad and serious, it would be downright hilarious.

First of all, she is ineffective in just about everything she does. Her only success as I see it, is being able to recite regurgitated Conservative talking points, come up with silly, childish catch phrases, and smile at adoring "fans" who are for the most part, grossly uninformed about relevant political issues. They see her as "one of us, a breath of fresh air", so different from the educated, experienced, and elite members of government and our political system. 

But what they obviously don't stop and consider, is the shallowness of her own knowledge. She talks an awful lot about things she knows little about. It really makes me squirm to see this pseudo-intellectual go into full "parrot-mode" when she stands before crowds and throw out red meat labeled, "taking our country back," common sense conservatism, the constitution, mama grizzlies, mavericks, lamestream media,"  and other phrases in which she doesn't bother to detail or give substance to. The parrot keeps uttering useless phrases and is subsequently rewarded with hundreds of thousands of dollars, legions of adoring followers, and empowerment to enter the 2012 presidential race. 

Palin didn't complete her term as governor of Alaska. Let her tell it, she did it for the good of the people. She didn't want them to have to continue dealing with the "baseless" ethics charges that were constantly being thrown at her. Oh, how noble Sarah. Alaska should be proud. NOT! Sarah Palin quit caring about the interests of Alaskans the minute she saw the golden opportunity to profit from the uninformed in the lower 48.

It's time for her to fade from the news headlines. I'm tired of hearing about Bristol and Levi's issues. I'm tired of hearing about the reality shows that this brood is planning to star in. These dysfunctional people are making the "dumbing down" of
America a frightening reality. Only in America can an uneducated, unmarried teen father become an icon and someone to idolize. Only in America can an uneducated, teen mother be both for and against abstinence,with no expertise either way but yet serves as a spokesperson and is constantly on the covers of magazines. 

In a recent address at the National Urban League's Centennial Conference in Washington, DC, President Obama stated that "in just one generation, the United States has fallen from being number one in college completion to number  twelve."  I pray that this isn't a trend that will continue because if so, you can believe that there will be more Sarah Palins not only vying for the oval office, but possibly winning by landslides. Scary thought indeed.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55