08 Sep Meet Filmmaker Reginald Bullock: A War For Your Soul

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<p><img src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8epfg65uo1qbmb28.jpg" />When he speaks, people listen. And that's an amazing feat for the incredibly humble, mild-mannered Reginald Bullock. Although I've only known Mr. Bullock for less than a year, I consider him a great friend. The producer of the powerful documentary, "A War For You Soul," yielded to the urging of God to produce a work that would send shock waves throughout Black America. Bullock says that initially the film was meant to be a learning tool for his students. But God had other plans. It is a powerful story that chronicles the turbulent, oppressive, and even violent history of Africans in America from the days of slavery until the present day. When the 20 minute documentary was released via the internet in 2009, it spread like an out of control wildfire. Before long Bullock was receiving invitations for speaking engagements all around the country. To date, more than 10 million people have viewed the short film. On April 24, 2010, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Bullock in person. He was the closing speaker for the Generation BEFY conference that I hosted in Wilson, NC. Mr. Bullock held his audience captive, weaving tales of inspiration, encouragement, history, pride, and humor. I recall sitting on the edge of my seat, taking in every word that he spoke. As the founder of a youth empowerment movement, I found hope, and my purpose was made clearer by his visit. His friendly disposition, intelligence, and great humility created an atmosphere of camaraderie and unity. On Tuesday, September 7, 2010, Reginald Bullock released a sequel to the popular documentary entitled, "War For Your Soul 2: Image Control." Here the master storyteller enlightens the audience of yet another ploy and device used by the master of darkness to control the minds of African Americans: I-M-A-G-E. Bullock lays out how television, film, and entertainment have contributed to a lack of pride in one's ethnicity and a desire to be something other than what we are. After watching this newest documentary, I am convinced now, more than ever, that Reginald Bullock is a chosen man--a modern day Moses of sorts, leading his people out of the bondage of self-hatred and self-inflicted racial genocide.</p>
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55