29 Jul The Color Of Wealth: The Racial Wealth Divide

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Dwight W. Hayes,AA,BS,MS

Meizhu Lui. has put together an informative lecture about the racial wealth divide.1hr.

"The Color Of Wealth: The Racial Wealth Divide"

The Color Of Wealth: The Story Behind the U.S. Racial Wealth Divide featuring author Meizhu Lui.

Lui, Executive Director of United for a Fair Economy, a national nonpartisan organization that campaigns against growing income and wealth inequality and inspires action to reduce economic inequality, makes the case that until government policy tackles disparities in wealth, not just income, the country will never have racial or economic justice. Recounting the asset-building histories of Native Americans, Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, and European Americans, The Color of Wealth is a uniquely comprehensive multicultural history of American wealth.

This event was co-hosted by United for a Fair Economy, about which John Nichols wrote in The Nation, "United for a Fair Economy is the single most effective group in the country when it comes to publicizing issues of economic injustice and the racial underpinnings of the gap between rich and poor." Follow the link to the lecture:


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55