04 Oct GREAT Fundraiser
Greetings Everyone!
It's that time of year: folks are preparing to purchase gifts -- for family, friends and themselves.
However, we are facing challenging economic times and far too many of us cannot afford the 'little' extras with the high gasoline prices and diminishing job market. . .
For groups that do charitable work in the community, for churches wanting to have gift packages for their members AND for anyone needing to fund their pet project creating a FREE account at <a href="http://tinyurl.com/paid2share">6dgr</a> is an extremely lucrative option!
Businesses, organizations and groups can form a 'main' account and then the membership can join under it. Recruiting friends, family, co-workers and neighbors to help meet fundraising goals is almost effortless as no 'purchase' is required!
I'm available for strategizing/training and ongoing support for any group that joins my <a href="http://tinyurl.com/paid2share">6dgr</a> team in order to launch a frundraiser. . . Of course my team is open to ANYONE 24/7, 365.
Join me at <a href="http://tinyurl.com/paid2share">6dgr </a>and Let's Get PAID!
YE is Here!
<a href=”http://www.yeishere.com”>YEisHere.com!</a>
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<a href="http://www.s-bgen.com">SUR-BET Global Enterprise Network</a>
<a href="http://www.sur-bet.org/SUR-BET_Enterprises">S.U.R.-B.E.T. Enterprises</a>
<a href="http://moneydaeasyway.bravehost.com">Money 'Da' Easy Way@bravehost.com!</a>
YE is an author; WebPreneur; electronics, computer & gadget geek; Certified Holistic Health Consultant; grandmother and devoted traveler that currently resides in Georgia. She can be contacted for interviews, consultations and general comments at either of her websites or by email at: yehasmoney4u@s-bgen.com
©2008 S.U.R.-B.E.T. Publishing
Join me on <a href =”http://yeishere.qassia.com”>Qassia</a>
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