17 Aug Build an Easy Business: Work it!

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There are so few truly lazy people in the work arena that this article may well be a matter of 'preaching to the choir' and for that please accept my deepest apologies!

The economic times here in the US and, I suspect, globally among the 'industrial' nations, is challenging for many that are in the lower and middle class income groups. The move from agriculture to industry to information/services has created quite a boom for those that are in the position of creating and/or maximizing the income generating trends [aka global economy] while those of us of the 'working' class are scrambling just to pay fuel costs and maintain living standards -- while looking over our shoulders for the next corporate downsizing. . .


Ok, so some of us are doing ok with our own businesses: hair care, auto detail shops, laundromats, dry cleaners and a few other staple businesses are and will almost always be in demand! But what about those of us that have work experience in other areas that need to be channeled into a viable business venture for ourselves? How many of us can truly launch a million dollar website, or sell millions of dollars in products or provide millions of dollars in virtual assistance services? Very few. What are we to do then in order to generate income in a relatively 'easy' manner, while balancing our other life's duties and responsibilities?


There's no 'easy' answer to that question. However, there is one absolute truth that all aspiring and new entrepreneurs must keep in mind. While working for yourself does and may bring great emotional and physical benefits in relationship to not having to worry about being fired, laid off, wardrobe concerns and/or commuting there are other demands that bring a definite measurable level of stress to being self-employed. You have yourself to depend upon, and that includes your physical, mental and spiritual health, to create the income needed for your survival!

Be prepared to:

1. put in hours asking questions of those with experience in the field you choose

2. research everything that you can find regarding being self-employed and entrepreneurism

3. spend more time marketing, promoting and exposing your business than actually doing whatever it is you do -- unless you have some very deep financial pockets for your advertising budget.

4. embark upon a path of absolute identity change: becoming a successful business person after having been an employee is something that will take a tremendous amount of energy to transform yourself into. Which is why so many start ups and small business fail: most people don't realize they can't continue seeing the work world from the eyes of a worker and must start seeing it thru the eyes of a CEO.

Once you establish a good working rhythm for those four [and by no means exhaustive] list of items, you'll begin to see your business, no matter how simple the structure, for what it is -- business, aka work!

And while there is literally no end to simple, relatively 'easy' business ventures offered via the internet and the global business platform, it is STILL work!

Make sure the business you choose, is something you truly love doing. That's the key to having demanding work and responsibilities invigorate rather than drain! Motivation MAKES it 'easy' which in turns makes 'work' seem like play!

YE is Here!

SUR-BET Global Enterprise Network

S.U.R.-B.E.T. Enterprises

Money 'Da' Easy Way!

YE is an author; WebPreneur; electronics, computer & gadget geek; Certified Holistic Health Consultant; grandmother and devoted traveler that currently resides in Georgia. She can be contacted for interviews, consultations and general comments at either of her websites or by email at: yehasmoney4u@s-bgen.com

©2008 S.U.R.-B.E.T. Publishing

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55