As you all know, I've been working diligently exploring simple, FREE and easy ways to generate income online thru various opportunities. Recently I shared some information regarding reading emails and/or ads in order to earn money while surfing the internet.
Someone asked me if there was, “REALLY companies that PAID people to read emails and ads???” I found this to be an interesting, yet all to common response to the notion that personal time and attention is EXTREMELY precious therefor making both very valuable! I began thinking about the countless looks of sheer amazement I get from people all the time when during the course of a conversation they mention their favorite TV or radio commercial and I have absolutely no awareness of the commercial and frequently the product! Even when I watched TV for 2 to 3 hours a day a couple of times a week, I NEVER watched commercials on purpose! Commercials provided bathroom, refrigerator, check-what's-cooking-on-the-stove or see-if-the-baby is awake breaks – while a few could be entertaining my patience for scripted performances to separate me from my money was then, and still is, practically zero! Of course these days, I only see commercials when visiting family or friends as I've given away my 'idiot box' more than 2 years ago and I manage to find other creative ways to amass my quota of idiot clutter without television. . .
At any rate, while searching for free software with which to generate mailing lists along with creating a newsletter I happened upon a site, Zinester, that offered both mailing list services AND directory listing for newsletters, aka ezines! In order for me to get a few good ideas for my newsletter layout, etc. I decided to click on some of the ezine listings in the Zinester free directory and what did I find? A very interesting and lucrative pay-to-read email and advertising site that I hadn't come across before.
The ezine author was giving rave reviews of the site, Inbox Dollars and I had to check it out for myself: it was purported that the payout for screening some of the advertisers was anywhere from $1 to $5 and the minimum cashout was $5000.00! What actually challenged me was the fact that she also mentioned it took her less than 2 weeks to generate $5000.00 from reading emails and/or ads!
While investigating Inbox Dollars [of course I signed up :)], I noticed that the majority of THEIR advertisers were, drum roll maestro, paid to read email/ads companies! This of itself was eye opening yet the real astonishing thing was that nearly 75% of these sites were paying $1 and upwards of $20 to read emails and/or ads! All I kept thinking was, “How are these sites such a secret?” and “Why aren't more people reading emails and/or ads for cash?”
As I signed up for more of the higher paying 'screening' sites, I began musing over how it was they could afford to pay such decent amounts of money to their membership. Naturally the answer revealed itself by the third sign up. . .
These sites are “billboards” of the new millennium and their 'hook' is they can GUARANTEE a set number of ad/email views to their customers [advertisers] based on their membership rolls!Many of them are scrambling to amass 10s of 1000s of members because, naturally the more members they have, the higher the ad rates they can charge! And with their sites being accessed by 100s to 1000s of members daily, most of these sites can afford to share the ad revenues to the members – easily!
So that's the 'catch.' Offer sign up bonuses to members, I saw bonuses as high as $8000 delimited to the first 5000 members, etc., get the 'viewer' levels high as quickly as possible and offer/deliver happy to oblige audiences to potential advertising clients! Brilliant! [Why didn't I think of that???] If you're still wondering how that financially plays out here's a likely scenario:
Initially sell ad space at a rate of $7 per 'click.'
Recruit 'viewers' by offering to pay them $2 per 'view.'
When membership reaches critical mass, say 1000 members increase the ad space cost.
There's absolutely NO personnel, office space, etc. overhead because the entire business is maintained online and every 'member' is an independent contractor – not an employee, plus the pc/laptop that has the site on it could easily be in someone's bedroom, kitchen, garage, etc.
The cost of server space to host these websites is less than $7 per month so even with only 20 clients at the initial $7 rate, an almost 2000% profit has been made in the first month alone.
Paying out 1 to 2% of the profit will definitely offset taxes and still leave a hefty profit for the sites' owners.
Now while my scenario is very far from being mathematically exact, the ratios and format are clearly what's taking place. Therefor, paying people to read emails and/or ads is something that any smart, savvy and shrewd WebPreneur would do in order to run a successful internet 'advertising agency!' This is internet marketing at its BEST: guaranteed audience for the clients; paid membership for 'reviewing' products and/or services! And it gets better on most of the sites – purchases or sign ups to clients' sites/businesses also accrues earnings: and if you shop online anyway this is a great way to get a built in 'rebate' or 'discount' for your purchases!
As the quintessential Queen of, “I don't have time to waste looking at commercials!” I must say that I'm impressed with the payouts of some of these new and innovative 'commercial outlet' sites! To their credit many require you view their sponsors' sites for 60 seconds and less!
I also know that the internet has fads that come and go however, marketing and audiences are the bread and butter for nearly all businesses in existence! While the going is good I'm advising everyone to find their favorite commercials online – and get paid for doing so!
Below is a list of 2 sites that are still recruiting to build their membership to the 'critical mass' level of 5000 and are pitching $1000 and $2000 sign up bonuses to all that sign up before the quota is met:
Now, of course there IS the possibility of scams, hackers and just plain ne'er do wells in cyberspace that all of us need to be on the alert for. Luckily, yours truly, is always thinking about the flip side to all that she brings to the table for sharing and I also did some investigating into fraudulent email/ad pay to view sites so that it can't be said that I willfully provided 'shaky' information to my readers. There is a website, GPTBoycott that exists solely to gather information and expose those sites that are unscrupulous, etc. There are listings of sites cited for not paying as contracted along with sites on the 'Watch List' for those sites with five or fewer complaints. I found the listings to be recent [for the most part] and suggest that a thorough web search be made before joining any collective wherein earnings OR sales are offered. Further, none of the sites mentioned in this article appear in either list – which I checked AFTER viewing the sites and researching them.
That's it in a nutshell: anyone can earn money, as in get paid, to view emails and/or ads from quite a few reputable sites just by investing 2 to 4 hours per day, week or month: it also increases your payout for recruiting others to join the sites, this is known as 'referrals,' however it is actually building a down line of active participants that generate additional revenues for your account.
Once upon a time, nearly 36 years ago, I had quite a bit of leisure time on my hands as I was expecting my first born child. While planning the nursery, and buying the layette I often watched TV as I scoured the mail order catalogs for bargains and items on my wish list. To be completely honest, I can't remember one, not one, of the commercials that I may have viewed back then – however, had I been paid to watch and pay attention, I bet I could manage to recall and even sing a jingle or two. . .
Which just goes to show, your mind, memory and/or intellectual 'mental' property is just as precious as your bank account and BOTH need to be increased on a regular basis!
YE is Here!
SUR-BET Global Enterprise Network
YE is an author; WebPreneur; electronics, computer & gadget geek; Certified Holistic Health Consultant; grandmother and devoted traveler that currently resides in Georgia. She can be contacted for interviews, consultations and general comments at either of her websites or by email at:
©2008 S.U.R.-B.E.T. Publishing
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