04 Oct Obama vs. McCain -- 31 days to go. The Obama Surge -- Key to Victory

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CNN PollThe Obama Surge is changing the political landscape going into the last thirty days of the campaign.  One of the clear outcomes of the focus on the economy and the Congressional Rescue Plan has been a surge in support for Barack Obama.
In the CNN Poll of Polls, that averages the results from three National Polls -- the CBS Poll, the Associated Press Poll, and the Marist College Poll -- Obama has posted a 49% to 43% lead, with 8% of likely voters undecided.

One key indicator of the surge is the suspension of John McCain's campaign in the State of Michigan.  He has conceded the state to Obama.  Obama also leads in the battle ground states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Indiana, Florida, and Missouri.  That is the definition of a political surge.

What does all of this mean to Obama supporters?  This scenario so close to the election calls for a military term to describe the strategy the rest of the way -- CLEAR AND HOLD.

We have to continue our focus on registering new voters, and securing early votes for Obama.  That is the Clear and Hold strategy, because those votes cannot be taken away.  There are 3 days remaining to register new voters, then we can focus on securing as many early votes as possible up until November 2nd.  then we can focus on the victory march to the polls on November 4th.

McCain accused Obama of not mentioning the word victory in their first debate.  It is certainly too early to plan any victory parties, but we can see a clear strategy to victory if we continue our efforts in the trenches, where all wars are won.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55