29 Jul Working together to build a stronger community

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Today was my second week of leading the noon conference call for the Black Business Builders Program. It is a thrilling experience to hear more and more people join the call who are eager to learn how to change their life condition.

It motivates me to drive had and let more people know that Black people can work together. It is refreshing to see and take part in building something that will have a lasting impact on our community.

[video:http://revver.com/video/1025634/affiliate/174813/crown-prince-of-web-20-simpsons-newest-character/ 320x240]


The conference calls I lead are on Tuesdays and Wednesday at Noon Central Time and 1 pm Eastern. The call in number is 616-347-8100 ac 293080# 

Don Williams of Video Team does the call Monday nights at 8:30 pm CST and 9:30 pm EST 

For more information http://bbb.hudsonliberty.com


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55