17 Sep STOP BEING A VICTIM - Almost A Year of Success

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Stop Being A Victim It is hard to believe that I'm just 2 months away from my anniversary of marketing this book and 2 others. It hard to believe that is was because of YouTube video and a $5.00 decision that I'm now in a position where I charge $1000 per hour for my services.

Stop Being A Victim was an important book for me because it allowed me to focus on promote my opportunity and not getting distracted by others. The cost was so low that it wasn't an economic decision. What I learned was worth 100 times more.

It provided me with a workable criteria for evaluating a business opportunity, beside using just my emotions. It also helped to understand some new money making concepts I didn't fully understand.

If a person is serious thinking about going to business online, this is a must have item. The cool part is that it comes with a business to boot where you get reseller's right.

I'd love to hear from you what you got out of the book.

Text "SBAV" to 2017803769

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55