18 Jan Past the Middle of January What Are You Doing Different?

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As I was going over my taxes this year, I noticed that I made more money in this "Bad Economy" than I did the year before. I also saw a video about speaking your world into existence. For the last 75+ days I've been doing daily Affirmations.

At first I thought all this Affirmation stuff bordered on the fringe of the SPOOKY. But, after listening and realizing how much our subconscious is bombarded with dis empowering information I realized that there some thing substantial to the claim.

Why does it seem that world is going to Hell in a hand basket? It is because we are bombarding and being bombarded by negative imagery. We are constantly looking at the problem rather the solution.

 In 2011 if you want to make a difference you are going to shut of the TV, turn the radio off, and serious start doing mental cleansing by listening to empowering messages. Messages that not only make you feel good, but help to alter your philosophy of life. "Philosophy?" yes, Philosophy! That's because our philosophy is what dictates our actions. It also dictates how we interpret what happens around us.

Let's make 2011 a better year by changing what we feed ourselves mental and spiritually. Let me know what you can change and what you are going to feed yourself.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55