29 Jul Da Fall of the Motherland Part I

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Da Fall of the Motherland Part I

(From a Conceptual Thinking Newsletter "DTH E-Zine"  Issue#2 that is a free download from my website www.logicalmusic.web.officelive.com

The history of the original humans of the society, have been neglected of their own history. Even though society has went through its trouble and woes of injustice and the underhandedness of the government. The key to unlock the mind is through knowledge similar to the school system. But what happen to self-containing this wisdom within the family structure and communities abroad. By knowing that the forefathers of America enslaved more than the human body but the Knowledge of our forefathers of Africa. Now in saying that, we must take a journey within more than a book to gain the information. We must with walk dignity before we can run with the wisdom of our ancestors. Alexander the Great and many other exploiters destroyed most of our monuments and pyramids that have symbolism stories that governed civilizations for centuries. Understanding that these tools were never given, but what we did get was a King James Version that was chopped up from Egyptian Knowledge. One of their cities that is the City of Ptolemies now known as Alexandria was the Mecca for scholars that what they use by Masons and Governmental Strategties that are linked a network of close-minded and trained elites that have blood suck the middle class that is represent all races in thought alike.


A Free Copy of Da Truth Hurts is available HERE


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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