29 Jul Questions for the Collingdale Pa. Police Chief

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Questions to Collingdale Pa. Police Chief
By George Cook http://www.letstalkhonestly.com/

Some of you may have heard about a hate crime committed against the Bailey Family who reside in Collingdale Pa. Their cars were vandalized with the N Word scratched into the paint on one of the vehicles.

I have recently received tips from concerned citizens who live in Collingdale that lead one to believe that the Collingdale Police know who committed the crime and have yet to arrest anyone.

Before I go any further let me stress that from what I have heard Collingdale itself is not a racist town but a fairly integrated one and many feel this incident was done by the children of one particular family.

From what I heard it's the worst kept secret in town, that is unless you are a member of the Collingdale Police Force.

There is enough here for the Human Relations Commission of Philadelphia to take a look into what happened so what are the police doing?

Many believe that 3 brothers committed this crime and are wondering out loud what the police are doing and why no one has been arrested.

These boys are kids that have been in trouble before with drugs and in addition to the vandalism of the Bailey's cars many believe that they were involved in the vandalism of an African American Cementery. Eden Cemetery to be exact.

The local Police Chief, Bobby Adams has already gone on record saying that no racism was involved in that case although no one has been caught in connection with that crime so how would he know yet?

Townspeople also believe the boys were involved in the vandalism of a church. Is it just me or are you starting to see a pattern developing here?

Even when the boys were caught on drug charges there got off with probation which is leading many to wonder whether favoritism is at work here.

Now in all fairness the Collingdale Police could be hard at work in this case and closer than we think to arresting the people who did all of the crimes previously mentioned. They could just be slow and making sure everything passes muster before they lock anyone up. Then again there could still be WMD's in Iraq.

I apologize for that last remark. The cynic in me reared it's ugly head.

I think we should stop guessing or wondering what's going on ask Police Chief Bobby Adams "What is going on?"

Only he seems to know.

PS If any Collingdale resident can provide any assistance by telling the police about something they saw please do. A man that watches evil is no better than the man that perpetrates it if he does or says nothing.

George L. Cook III www.letstalkhonestly.com  

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55