Fathers Prepare To Tackle Issues Supporting Children
July 29, 2008
San Bernardino, CA – San Bernardino County 5th District Supervisor Josie Gonzales, along with other elected officials, educators and distinguished guests will join Inland Empire Fathers for opening ceremonies during the 2008/’09 “IE” Million Father March being held August 9.
The event will be held at the Carousel Mall in downtown San Bernardino . A host of special guests are expected to attend, including San Bernardino City Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Arturo Delgado. Line-up for the event will begin at 9:30am in the southwest parking lot of the mall. Terry Boykins, founder of 4Positive Knowledge and a west coast organizer of Black Star Project’s Million Father March, stated “this campaign is about creating a partnership between fathers and their children’s education in communities across America.
Headlining the event will be the five distinct discussion panels focused on education, community, home life, single parenting, and youth expression. Empire Wrestling Federation -School of Hard Knocks representative, Jesse Hernandez, is supporting the effort by erecting a ring and staging wrestlers for photo ops during the “Fatherhood vs. Fatherless Showdown for the Positive.” The line-up for the march will begin at 9:30am ; activities will be held indoors from 10:00am – 2:00pm . There is no charge to attend. San Bernardino City Unified School District is a collaborative sponsor of the event.
Distinguished individuals selected to the discussion panels are: Leonard Robinson, Dr. Felicia Clark, Chris Hickey, Chibby Walton, Rijali Durham, Joshua Harmon, Donna Calloway-Roby, Kevin Hall, David Wazdatskey, Kaye F. Williams, Dr. Edward C. Bush, Dr. Donald Brown, Dr. Lamar Mickey, Robert Bolton, Wil Greer, Reverend James Baylark, Dena Droualt, Tyrone Wedgeworth, Jon Droualt, Michael Townsend, Elder Amos Young, Anthony C. Rucker, Yvelle Purdy, Apostle Michael Sterling, Nannette Howard and A. Majadi. Members of the community are encouraged to interact with panelists to ensure an engaging and informative session addressing top issues impacting youth and education.
As for the fathers, Boykins wants to encourage fathers, grandfathers, god-fathers, stepfathers, foster fathers, uncles and cousins to unite and provide a positive male presence in the education and lives of children. The Million Father March is open to the entire community. Families are invited to participate and enjoy the event and time at the Carousel Mall. The campaign is asking each father bring one ream of copy paper to support teachers. Event T-shirts and ball caps will be available. There also will be a designated area for media to interview fathers and participants attending the event. For more information or to volunteer visit www.streetpositive.com . Telephone: (909) 370-2805 .
4Positive Knowledge is engaged in positive social outreach campaigns focused on youth, parent and community involvement.
Media Contact: (909) 370-2805 . E-mail: fatherhood@streetpositive.com.
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