10 Jul Being Self Employed -- Business Website Setup

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Being Self Employed – How To Set-up a Business Website

Steps 1, 2 and 3

For those of you that have been following the series, “Being Self Employed. . .” with the 15 Pre-Launch steps systematically checked off of your 'to do' list, the creation of your online presence is the next order of business.

The numbers 3 and 5 figure prominently in my life: born in the 3rd month, on the 15th day in a year that ends with both the numbers 3 and 5 'kinda' marks me for being in resonant affinity with those numbers. Which is probably why my 'steps' often come to mind in blocks of 5. . . . For this particular series, the business website, in order to keep things simple [Keep It Simple Sweetie – KISS] there will be 3 steps to each aspect of successfully creating your web presence. That being said, let's get started!

  1. Create a memorable and/or distinctive domain name. If you already have a following of customers for your home based or small business then by ALL means use the business name that is familiar to them. For example: you offer 'in home' pet sitting to people in your neighborhood and their families and friends. Generally you work 2 and 3 day weekends but are now ready to add week long 'pet house sitting' to your services. The city that you live in has a population of 100,000 and there are 10 pet shops that you frequent and you're known at the local SPCA. You do some advertising by fliers, most of which are posted on public message boards around your neighborhood and your local library branch. All of your customers and potential customers know your service as 'Annie Meyna – Pet Sitting at Your Service.' Looking to acquire the domain name, AnnieMeyna.com would be an extremely wise first choice. I advise my customers to look also in the '.net,' '.biz,' and '.org' domains for availability before giving up on the desired domain name. However, it is a good idea to have 2 – 5 alternate names, as 'catchy' or unique as possible, when doing your domain name search.

  2. Conduct a domain name search. Of course if there are some domain names that you'd like to use, knowing if they're available requires a domain name search. MOST web hosting sites offer 'free' domain name searches. You simply type in the desired name into the search box and within a minute it's availability is returned for your further decision making. Also, you can go to WHOIS, DomainSearch, and Name Droppers which are domain name search engines and purchase/registration services. [Please note that I am not affiliated with nor recommending doing business with either of the aforementioned entities.]

  3. Select a reputable hosting service. The web is FULL of web hosting companies and/or affiliates thereof. I am an affiliate for a few hosting services. I also own 2 domains and they are both hosted by different companies – neither of which I'm an affiliate of! Go figure. . . For my initial web host 'shopping' I looked for services that had the lowest initial yearly cost, unlimited email accounts, unlimited sub-domains and 24/7 support services [although it appears that 24/7 only exists in alternate universes. . . .]. For the first year I received all of what I was looking for along with a pretty good control panel and some nice administrative 'amenities' [which means freebies that really add to the competitiveness of your site] all for under $25.00. In order to decide the type of control panel will be easiest for you to learn, you'll have to contact the 'sales' department of the potential host and inquire as to what their 'back end' or administrative control panel is. It appears that there are some control panel options that are fairly well used in the hosting communities such as VDeck, cPanel, etc. By clicking the links to VDeck and cPanel and reading the documentation, taking the tours, etc you can get a fair assessment for their ease of use. Certainly you can search the internet for 'control panel software' and come up with some additional options. At first the control panel wasn't a major issue for me because I was determined to establish a web presence and I knew I'd learn to work whatever control panel I ended up with – it was a no brainer. NOW that I have brains, I want a really simple control panel that talks to me: says, Hello! when I log in; asks, How's your day?; tells me my page hit stats and recommends new page layouts in line with the latest trends! That of course is something that some SUPER GEEK is working on this very moment and has yet to come to my attention, but I'm looking for it anyway. . . . In the meantime, do spend the time exploring the control panels offered by the hosting services that meet YOUR major criteria – doing so will give you a competitive edge in the do-it-yourself web management/design arena.

The best thing that I have found about surfing the internet for information, especially via articles and blogs, is most of what I want [in some cases wanted – when I run into a snag] to do has been done by some very intelligent, kind and sharing individuals AND is easily found when the right 'keywords' are entered into a search engine. And in light of all that I have gained by way of instruction, encouragement and plain old amusement on the world wide web, I trust that YOU are receiving note worthy assistance by way of reading my articles and blogs! Giving and Receiving is actually what makes the world a great place to be – for in the long run, and often in the short run, the good hearted giving is received and passed on in kind!

Taking the time to research domain names, site hosting and site management, which is what you're about to engage in, is one of the most important investments you can make into your online business. Preparing for success is just like learning to walk – once you get your balance you can take off with ease!

YE is Here!

S.U.R.-B.E.T. Enterprises

Money 'Da' Easy Way!

YE is an author; electronics, computer & gadget geek; certified holistic health consultant; grandmother and devoted traveler that currently resides in Georgia. She can be contacted for interviews, consultations and general comments at either of her websites.

©2008 S.U.R.-B.E.T. Publishing

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55