24 Jun Is Your WHY a Testimony to others?

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Being in business in this current economy might have people running to McDonald's for a part time job! Yet, if you went into business so that you wouldn't have to answer to another, why step back now?

Revisit your why and look at where you are now!

When I started with YTB, they asked us to write out our WHY (why we are in business) and use that as a motivator to increase your business. I believe your WHY is what is important for you in your life right now and in the future. {As a Christian, I have been taught that I shouldn't worry about tomorrow, so my why and what is important is what is going on right now, AMEN?}

Listed below is my WHY. You can see what is important to me. I believe my WHY is a testimony to others because I am not looking for a fast million dollars. I am looking for a peace that only comes from being content in my current situation and surroundings.


  1. To give back to God
  2. My salvation
  3. My children
  4. The promise from God that I would be prosperous if I obeyed

My WHY is going to look like your why, but it is important to me.  I know why I am here and being rich in $$ isn't it.  It is to be a light, to win souls, and to help others see God is the only way.

My WHY is a testimony to others just for that reason. God told me to be content and not covet my neighbor's belongings. I feel I am doing just that. One day I will be rich in $$, but today I am rich in faith!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55