23 Jun They Cannot Help You

Written by Published in iZania Community Blog Read 1206 times
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Let me share with you something that will hit home for all people that feel that they are in bondage to other people: They can't help you!!! Why? Every person of the world is out for self. They are looking out for them and them only. They will put down your very being to make themselves feel good! (how selfish is that??)

You will notice, on most social and business networks, 85% of them are promoting their businesses and what it can offer you. They are not trying to find ways to help you grow in the capacity of where you are NOW, they are trying to get YOU to help THEM grow in the capacity THEY are NOW! Look at all of your networks and start eliminating the ones that aren't helping you network effectively.

The other side of this is, the devil is out there to make sure you don't make it (unless he is your god and he's blessing you anyway). Whether it is in business or in life, the devil would rather see you give up and suffocate yourself in your own guilt. see more
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55