17 Jun What is success?

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(originally posted on Ryze Network) 

I have been talking to people over the past few weeks about success in their businesses whether network marketing, MLM etc., joining these business networks all that! and what is it for them?

AND I'm clear now that success is different for everyone and everyone works their success differently.

**what are you saying Dana?**

I'm saying, that, for people of the world success is in the pockets of the clients.IE..how much money can I get them to spend on the products and services I provide?

But for those of us that are spiritually grounded, our success is in how our reach our customers..what is our character like when we approach them...are we looking for a one time sale or a customer for life. As spirit led  and spirit fed people we are looking to win souls for the Lord as well as increase our income.

How we go about our business is a reflection of our Christianity AND how we want to be treated as the consumer.
Success is how much work we put into being a child of God for the unsuspecting customer.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55