24 Apr You Are an Expert In Your Field so TEACH!

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No matter where you are in life and where you are going, you have knowledge about something that will help another person. You have become a professional in all areas of your business that you can write about whether in a blog or in your social networks, etc.: Financial situations(accounting), administrative services, planning and organization, etc.

 With all the knowledge you have that you can share and WILL share with others, why not teach?  Being a teacher does not have to start with a degree; it has to start with a mind to want to help others and not be selfish.

 I have become a member of Podclass. Podclass offers me a chance to share me in the form of teaching a class and sharing my knowledge, etc.  Although I have a BA Degree in Criminal Justice, I have a life degree in some of the things mentioned above and I am ready to share that knowledge with someone else.

I am encouraging you, my fellow experts to step out of your comfort zone and consider being a teacher in your field and then share this same option with others.

http://www.podclass.com to sign up

http://www.podclass.com/mrsevents is my profile. (sign up for my class)

 God bless!


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55