11 Nov Hope from the Depths of Despair

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Life in America today has become very difficult for many....job insecurity, over-whelming debt, limited health-care access, no health insurance, rising costs associated with day-to-day living, i.e. food expenses, transportation costs, gas expenses.  While these problems affect everyone they are especially devastating to the minority communities.  This is not the solution for everyone but it does hold the answer for many.  The multi-level marketing industry is in an up-swing, Donald Trump is on record advocating mlm as a method he would consider if he were starting all over in business.  If you have never considered the potential of this industry or looked upon at with a wary eye, you need to stop and reconsider it, most of us can't afford to buy a franchise like McDonald's or open a small business requiring thousands of dollars.  Most of us work for the man everyday, many kissing butt to try to move up the ladder, you are really just a fish on a hook , a puppet on a string being led around, after 40 years of this, the statistics showing how many are excessively sucessful in this system are SLIM. MLM is an industry with a small outlay of cash (typically 0-$1000) is needed to start, with products almost everyone can use, and you have the option of earning a few extra dollars a week or month to thousands of dollars a week or month.  You help others do the same and if you have a health or life improving product you are really providing a valuable service to your community.  So you can address all of the problems above, become an entrepreneur, possibly be your own boss, cut the puppet strings and create a life that many won't be fortunate enough to enjoy.  If you have vision, there is hope and many viable opportunities exist for those who are not blinded by despair.  The companies I promote are listed below, but keep in mind there are many good opportunities around, seek and you will find.





Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55