17 Jun What r You Doing The Rest of Your Life?

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No matter how old you are you should always be doing and thinking of ways to share your experience with others especially the younger ones, to have them avoid the pitfalls you have or could have suffered.  That's what a good parent does as he/she tries to direct their young down the better avenues in life.  Working in health care I'm often dismayed by the attitude I see in some of the patients, abuse your health, make un-healthy choices and sooner or later you pay the price.  Then expect the doctor to prescribe the magic pill and make everything all better.  Un-fortuneatly it doesn't always work that way.  One of the keys (in my humble opinion) is to be health defensive, be pro-active in your health related decisions.  Don't wait until you have a problem with health, be more cognizant of practising or exercising preventive health measures.  The deck is stacked against us, pollution is everywhere, even if you wanted to eat healthy, you'd be hard pressed to get the nutrition from meats, fruit and vegetables that were once available.  If you can find the time to do everything you want to do, how is it most people knowing they should exercise, can't find the time?  You are the person you are because of decisions you have made!  But you can start changing that today, yesterday is gone,  find the motivation to make a change to make tomorrow a better one.  Lead by example, you know what you need to do....just do it!
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55