13 Aug What's the Problem?

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For many years now I've noticed how many people still seem to have a bias relating to MLM (multi-level marketing).  Here is an industry that's been around since the 1950's, yet many people you approach about it will look at you as though you have 3 eyes, and express dis-interest.  The industry has not been without problems, unscrupulous people, questionable products, pyramid schemes and scams have all been reported, but you can't condemn this industry for that, this holds true for any major business at anytime and anywhere.  Wherever there are people involved, you will find these situations.  What people fail to realize is there are many people attracted to the mlm industry with hopes of quick riches, living in mansions, traveling first class with little out of pocket expense, etc., and by doing relatively nothing to have this happen.  Now if people have lied to them and mis-lead them that is a problem the industry has addressed or could it be people are blinded by the idea of riches for little to no effort.  MLM is a business just like any other business, the major difference is it doesn't cost a fortune to become involved, you also have to do your homework to find a company that has appeal to you and what you like, then understand the players and the game before you get involved.  It also generally is not a get quick rich opportunity, don't believe anyone telling you that, you get out what you put in.  I'm not going to tell you my opportunity is good for you because I don't know you, I have to know a little about what you are looking for to insure we are on the same wave-length before I invite you to be one of my partners.

Robert Kiyosaki (author) and Donald Trump are on record singing the praises of this industry for certain people.  It's not for everyone, but it's a prime vehicle to move you up to the next level if you catch the right wave of a company moving up.  With the current economic environment many opportunities still exist, though with rising prices many people are now more discerning about budgeting and what they buy.  So if you choose to get involved with an MLM company, choose one that has the potential to excel in this and other tough economic times, we still buy gas because most of us have to travel, we still buy food and water because we must eat and drink etc., and we will buy these items in one form or the other almost regardless of cost because we need these items. What company offering what product fits into a similar mold, answer that question and you could be on your way.  So...what's the problem? 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55