22 Oct BLACK IN TIME: A Momnet In Our History

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W.E.B. DuBois And Walter White:

On October 23, 1947, The NAACP Filed Formal Charges With The United Nations, Accusing The U.S. Of Racial Discrimation.

The NAACP's 155-Page "Appeal To The World," Internationalized America's Race Problem And Prompted President Harry S. Truman To Create A Civil Rights Committee, Which For The Most Part, Was Ineffective.

The Document Was Presented To The U.N.'s Assistant Secretary General For Social Affairs, By W. E. B. DuBois, Then Director Of Special Research, For The NAACP.

DuBois Claimed To Speak On Behalf Of "Fourteen Million Citizens Of The United States, Or Twice As Many Persons As There Are In The Kingdom Of Greece," And Added, "Nothing That The United States Is, Was Or Shall Be Is Without The Help Of Our Toil, Our Feelings, Our Thoughts."

The Petition's Complaint Included: Segregation And Inequities In Public Education; The National Government's Failure To Make Poll Taxes Illegal And To Declare Lynching A Federal Crime And Discriminatory Real Estate Covenants And Civil Rights Violations In The Nation's Capital.

Walter White, The NAACP's Executive Director At The Time, Noted That "Two-Thirds Of The People On Earth  Are Black, Brown  Or Yellow Of Skin And Have Been Denied Economic Opportunity  And Justice For That Reason."

"In Order For Black History To Live, We Must Continue To Breathe Life Into It." -- Hubert Gaddy, Jr.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55