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As a people, African Americans are completely disjointed and disconnected from each other. Sadly but true this even pertains to our African American President Barack Obama.

During the La Raza (The National Council for Latinos/Hispanics) conference that took place this week on Monday, July 25, President Obama noted that there are far too many Latinos are out of work or have lost their jobs, especially on construction projects and vows to put a mechanism in place to put Latinos back to work. A key note in his speech was… “And the hundreds of thousands of construction workers -- many of them Latino -- who lost their jobs when the housing bubble burst, I want to put them back to work rebuilding our roads and our bridges and new schools and airports all across the country. There is work to be done. These workers are ready to do it”. Did I hear President Obama correctly? Excuse me Mr. President, but what are we (African Americans) chopped liver??? Apparently so! How many African Americans have you seen working on highway & other construction projects in our cities over the years? Very little, and in some cases none! The unemployment rate in the African American community is at an all time high with literally 90% of our youth unemployed! When has President Obama addressed that publicly??? When I heard his statement during his speech I was furious but not surprised! I thought… “He’s got big balls to make this bold public statement without addressing this very same and more pressing issue of his own people at a time when the unemployment rate in the African American community is higher and still falling more than any other ethnic group in America”. He pushed for more jobs and contracts for Latinos to work in communities, especially ours! During his speech at La Raza, President Obama also mentioned immigration reform and other key issues, and re-assured the audience by stating… “I will keep up this fight.” Does he think we are deaf, dumb and blind??? There are more Hispanic/Latino contracts and workers in the African American community than any other race besides Caucasians, not to mention that Black companies are denied these contracts. Strategically, Monday’s speech is the latest Obama Administration effort to court Latinos back into the fold. So what speech has Obama planned to get the disenchanted African Americans who fell from his grace back into the fold? Perhaps none, but only time will tell.
Since Obama has taken the presidential seat in Washington, it’s noted that he has publicly addressed (In front of cameras) and also acted upon all other ethnic groups needs and agendas but African Americans. President Obama has also addressed gay rights & issues publicly, but to this day the only issue he has publicly addressed towards African Americans was… “African Americans have to do better”. The few agendas in the African American Community he made moves to correct or solidify were not publicly announced until the spring of this tear when white house representative Michael Blake, the Director of African American and Minority Business Outreach from the White House toured the country and made appearances on the few Black talk radio stations we have and at town hall meetings to stifle the angered community.  President Obama’s statement at the La Raza conference is a prime example of how he is openly/ publicly supporting and acting on the agenda’s of Ethnic groups other than his own.  Does this mean President Obama is completely disjointed and disconnected from the African American community? Maybe not since he married a Black woman born and raised in the heart of the community, but it does mean that his lack of concern by not addressing our issues publicly is a bad influence to our children that sees him as our leader and role model. I must add that President Obama is purposely not addressing these issues to please the republicans, his constituents and other cultures besides White America. If the President of this land is setting this example to our children, then why do we blame our children for being mad at the world, especially our leaders and parents! He sent a strong message- fortified by the media of course that he is not concerned about his own people.

Mr. President; How about publicly addressing the African American agendas while you’re in front of the mike’s & camera’s as you do for every other Ethnic Group, Corporations, Organizations and Gays! How do you expect African Americans are supposed to do better when you ignore our agendas that needs immediate attention while allowing the Republican Party to propose cutting all our programs without standing up for your people! This is not the change we voted for us to believe in!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55