How many of you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of how this government and White America is treating African Americans? Are you pissed off enough do something about it??? Are you not willing to just sit back and watch our people slowly be killed, incarcerated and diminished to small numbers while being demoted to a second class citizenry? Are you willing to do something about the programs that benefit our poor & impoverished be slowly taken away?
Would you like to hear about a fail-safe plan to level the playing field for African Americans while simultaneously bringing forth Reparations, Economic Independence, Jobs, equality in schools and the African American Independence Day through celebrations that you and your family & friends can participate in? If you answered yes to most of these questions then I have just the movement that’s been launched as of July 2011.
At the 22nd annual N’CPOBRA conference, the panelist at the town hall meeting and speakers throughout the 3 day event noted that there should be some sort of strategic plan for a boycott or revolt to gain our respect and demands like reparations in America. However, not one plan was introduced during the conference by these spokespersons and we all left at the same point where we began with the exception of more donations collected. However, during the conference I introduced and formally began the Movement of SILENT DOLLARS: 2 DAYS OF RESTRAINT to the Organizers and chair-persons of the organization. I chose to publicly release and disseminate this DOUCUMENT at the N’COBRA conference because they have the vehicle to forward this Plan to the National and local directors, activist and Black leaders throughout the country for they have the outlets for mass copying and distribution via Hard Copy Mailing and by Hand Dissemination.
First let me explain to you the urgency of our situation which many of you may already be aware of…
Currently, the unemployment rate is falling in every ethnic group except African Americans where it’s still rising at an alarming rate! Our children are being systematically targeted and conditioned for failure through our school system, media brainwashing, incarceration and ultimately second class citizenship at every turn. Recent statistics show that over 48% of Black youth is unemployed which means this percentage is even higher which is now estimated around 90%. More Black men are in jails or prison than in college. Mass transportation is not available or very limited in locations where low paying jobs are offered to African Americans. African American companies & contractors are purposely denied contracts to work on projects, especially projects in the African American Community. Black farmers are denied farm loans and programs that aid impoverished African Americans are being cut or are on the list of proposed cuts. African Americans with college degrees are substantially more unemployed than White Americans with college degrees. And last but not least, Black owned business is strategically being boycotted (not supported) by all races or ethnic groups, especially those ethnic groups that have businesses in the African American community. Banks-particularly White owned Banks are denying loans to Black entrepreneurs to start business in our communities. We are losing everything in America including our political power. The advent of welfare in the 60’s has taken the men from out of the homes with over 70% of Black children now being raised without a father in the home. And last but not least, every indigenous ethnic group has received REPARATIONS in this country and around the world totaling billions of dollars and thousands of miles of land except African Americans, the people who built this damn country! These atrocities are only the tip of the iceberg! We ask you Black America…. Where is your insult level??? If this is not enough proof in your face to get angry and take action, nothing will!
Over the past six years of researching & formulating this Revolt and the effects of protest’s and government actions, we believe we have the prime very STRATEGIC solution! This strategy is crucial in battling this oppressive, evil White America & Nation and its regime that is stifling and eliminating African American’s by… Ignorance, shrewdness, racism & covert racism, gentrification & genocide! We MUST first fight strategically & hit this government & White America where it hurts the most… in their Pockets, Wallets, Purses, Banks & Commerce from all directions! This strategy also includes getting the average Joe and the brothas in the street to participate in SILENT DOLLARS: 2 DAYS OF RESTRAINT. This strategy includes appealing to everyone’s agenda pertaining to the injustices of African Americans and the community.
It is noted that Blacks / African Americans haven’t achieved our Independence Day yet, but at the same time we blindly join White America in celebrating their Independence Day… July 4th, as well as other ethnic celebratory days like St. Patrick’s Day, and let’s not forget the pagan European Holidays. It angered me during a St. Patrick’s Day back in 2001 when at my job- a White woman clad in green asked me, “Why don’t you have on any green”? Certain Whites try to mentally intimidate or pressure Blacks by asking them this question during this celebration as if they are either supposed to join them or are obligated to do so, but do you ever see these very same individuals celebrating any African American celebrations or cultural holidays like Kwanzaa, King’s Birthday & others??? The only reason you see most Whites celebrating King’s Birthday is because they may have that day off from their jobs! In answering the lady’s biased question, I told her … “I can’t stand green on me”. I then continued with my own question… “And besides, on Kwanza (the African Americans equivalent of Christmas) do you wear the African American colors of RED, BLACK & GREEN”??? She said “no”. So I replied… “Well when White America wears RED, BLACK & GREEN in respect or in celebration of Kwanza, King’s B-Day… etc., then I will wear green on St. Patrick’s Day or red, white & blue for the fourth of July and so on my dear”. It is suggested that on St. Patrick’s Day, everybody is Irish for a day. Hmmmm… How many Whites do you think will be Black or African for a day??? Dressing up in red, black & green, eating African cuisine and playing African songs while drinking Mango punch with alcohol in it. Let alone doing this for a few minutes???… LOL. I bet you can’t even count them on one hand. Try asking a White person this- the next time one asks you or another Black why they don’t have on green and see what they say.
It is essential that we as African American’s must now focus on conditioning ourselves, our children & grandchildren on NOT PATRONIZING WHITE OWNED BUSINESS’S and INSTITUTIONS and any other NON CARING MINORITY OWNED businesses that doesn’t have the Black Community’s best interest at heart!
This is the prelude to
The event of…
The two days that Black America’s Dollars and labor will be SILENT in PARTICIPATING, SUPPORTING & PATRONIZING any & ALL NON-BLACK OWNED BUSINESS’S & INSTITUTIONS! This 2 day Demonstration combines a planned strategy and organization- the two key elements necessary to achieve this effect. Let’s not forget, “IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL”.
Does anyone remember Bruce Lee in terms of seeing any of his movies? Does anyone remember the answer he gave the bully on the boat when the bully asked…”What is your fighting style?” in “Enter the Dragon”?
His answer to the question was… “The Art of Fighting without Fighting.”
If African American’s is to ever get the respect from the government & White America and fair and equal treatment on all levels of humanity, economic growth & prosperity to secure our future in these turbulent days, Black America (as we strive to regain our consciousness) must first adopt this strategy (The Art of Fighting without Fighting) and execute it IMMEDIATELY! Why must we fight? Because if you haven’t noticed lately, Black America is strategically under attack!
The concept of SILENT DOLLARS: 2 DAYS OF RESTRAINT is to fight this enemy peacefully and strategically with organization and dignity. Not to take to the streets as many scholars/leaders and media reps are priming us to do. This is exactly what the powers that be wants and is expecting us to do. Then, they can simply declare martial law, call in the National guards and kills us in the streets! After they clear the streets, things will just go back to the way it was as usual with nothing accomplished. This revelation and effect of SILENT DOLLARS will be an actual demonstration of the independence, unification, monetary and commercial value of African American’s to this country and the WORLD!
SILENT DOLLARS: 2 DAYS OF RESTRAINT will be an event that every African American can participate in right at home, or any locale of their choice by celebrating our upcoming AFRICAN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY without taking to the streets or having to worry about traveling expenses & lodging, unlike the Million Man March & its follow up march’s.
The NICHE that ties us all together-to get the average Joe to participate is the advent of the African American Independence Day by boycotting for everyone’s injustices & agendas! On these two days everyone can simply stay at home and do household chores, party, pray at their parishes of choice, bar-b-queing, attending festivals or rallies and topping it off by cooking Thanksgiving /Christmas like spreads in celebration of us displaying our UNITY, MONETARY & LABOR VALUE and INDEPENDENCE while simultaneously creating this NATIONAL HOLIDAY!
What has Facebook done for the African community??? Does Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook owner/founder) and the company support our causes or has made contributions to our community??? How many African Americans do you see employed by Facebook, especially in ranking positions???
How about Twitter, Google & My Space???
Don’t forget the same disrespectful non-Black owned internet companies, institutions and corporations that ignore our call for REAPARATIONS and OTHER CAUSES besides not supporting our community, owns many internet sites! These internet companies have a role in this as well! Staying off these sites & engines these two days is also very strategic, and will be very effective as well!! Just because you’re not shopping directly in the streets from a non-Black owned business during SILENT DOLLARS doesn’t mean you go online in lieu of outdoor shopping to conduct your business. You’re still supporting the oppressors! Visiting these sites translates into dollars going into their pockets! Remember, a click on the wrong site means revenue! So in fact, this is a Tri-Lateral (directional) protest! This level of protest is from all avenues of commerce; not working, patronizing and utilizing the non-Black owned internet sites are necessary to assure or guarantee success!
Let’s not forget that while our heads are turned in one direction fighting reparations and other atrocities, they are simultaneously attacking us from the ENVIRONMENTAL and HEALTH direction’s from behind with current weapons & or tactics like the Radioactive rain caused by the recent Japan Fukeshima nuclear plant meltdowns which is poisoning our environment. They downplayed the damage and spreading of the leaks from the very beginning and many environmentalists claims this was on purpose to make sure everything is affected!
If we are sick from radiation and other health related Illnesses, then how can we, our children and grandchildren fight for our causes besides becoming strong/successful Entrepreneurs and viable assets to our community??? How can we be healthy enough to obtain and maintain a JOB??? Many African American children already have problems learning in school partly because of health problems, so just think of adding this issue into the mix.
You must realize the power we yield because we still hold very strategic positions /jobs in the work force!
Just think of the effects by not working in any banks on this day. Chase, Northern Trust, Bank America and others will not be able to effectively manipulate their accounts, transactions & commerce on these days. Stock Market workers taking off will be devastating to the market. And how about the African American workforce in the casinos! Public/Mass Transportation operators and maintenance workers! Warehouse manpower and management! The postal workers!
The buyers for advertising spots in the major advertising agencies! Not patronizing and working at the Airline Companies, Macys, Saks, Walgreens, Targets, Popeyes, McDonalds, The Insurance and Pharmaceutical companies… etc!
Singular attacks will only raise awareness and perhaps stifle certain sectors on these two days and rebounding will be much faster, but when we attack corporate America in all sectors of commerce in this manner, the effects will be devastating and SILENT DOLLARS: 2 DAYS OF RESTRAINT WILL BE SUCESSFULL!!! I GUARANTEE IT!!!
This is how you bring a nation to its knees! UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FAIL!
Time is not on our side so swiftly spreading the word of SILENT DOLLARS is essential because White owned business and companies is scrambling to replace us in these key positions! They are cultivating & grooming more Mexicans, Arabs/Middle Easterners, Polish and Asians- in short- any race except African Americans to take our place and every year more of them are being seated in these strategic positions, so our numbers in these companies and business’s are diminishing every year, not to mention us killing each other in the streets and dyeing from illnesses! Our window for SILENT DOLLARS to be effective is very small, perhaps only a few years at best. If we don’t use the same level of strategy they used on us since slavery, then we will fail! This is why the SILENT DOLLARS movement is on!
Like other protests/boycotts, this won’t happen over-night. You must first be mentally and monetarily prepared & willing to participate in the event… to execute the art of fighting without fighting. You (ALL OF BLACK AMERICA) must be mad enough & determined to make this happen without fear! You also must realize that this massive show of power will bring a change in the lives of African American’s forever!
First, we must eliminate the fears of repercussions by the bosses in corporate America that will oppose their Black employee’s from taking off & participating on these two days after they see that every Black in their companies and business’s all over America has either scheduled these two days off or has called in sick, utilizing their sick days. Remember, as long as you don’t go over (exceed) your allotted sick days, there is nothing they can do so please reserve 2 personal or 2 sick days for SILENT DOLLARS. And remember, there is strength in numbers, so after Black America shuts down America for those two days, the respect level of White America will open up soooo many doors for the Black Community as our demands are met, including the explosion of Black Business’s & entrepreneurs which will eventually employ millions of African Americans Nationwide.
Because of the high strategic nature of this plan, the SILENT DOLLARS STRATEGY is not to be sent through the emailing system or any website postings whatsoever until further notice for obvious reasons.
For starters, you never let your enemies know exactly how you’re going to attack and also when you’re going to attack if possible. I do realize that there are some Uncle Toms that will show this PLAN to their masters when they see the in-depth strategy, but this will be after the plan has been disseminated on the mid to upper broad scale level as proceed by the National Leaders. Only then will we release and disseminate SILENT DOLLARS EXECUTION along with the marketing procedures by website postings and emailing.
After the initial preliminary distribution is complete, we will begin posting the PLAN DETAILS including the TIME and DATE of EXECUTION through the email systems and website postings of our choice. By then, the numbers and momentum of the movement will be at a significant level to where corporate America will not be able to stop it. Also keep in mind that as long as you don’t use up your sick & personal days. You’re in your right and you can SUE them if they retaliate. There’s nothing companies/business can do!
You can obtain the SILENT DOLLARS packet WITH THE FULL STRATEGY by requesting it by emailing me or the N’COBRA co-chairs @
After proper screening, the complete Document & Packet (complete with marketing strategy) will be mailed to you through the postal system.
A full Marketing plan to get the average Joe (including the kids in the streets) to participate is included in the packet! This packet also includes a full POWER POINT PRESENTATION for those who wish to present SILENT DOLLARS to their perspective Community Leaders, business, board members and organizations. We urge you to make as many copies of SILENT DOLLARS as you can and disburse them IMMEDIATELY!
EVERYONE is their own Marketer for SILENT DOLLARS! When you make copies and pass it on, then they pass it on and so on-and so on!