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Have you ever been to a buffet restaurant or dinner and it was layed out and loaded with all kinds of great dishes?

Everything that you could imagine and even stuff you never tasted was all deliciously prepared and looked and smelled great. You could pick from any number of tempting platters ... Lobster, Steak, Shrimp, Chicken, Pastas, Salads, and Deserts for days.

The meal was set up for even the most discriminating taste buds and all you had to do was grab a plate and get what you wanted. There was no limit to how much you could eat, taste or try.

Well that's what the Black Business Builders Club is ... a "buffet" for you to feast on to get nourished and filled in your business and financial life.

Everything is all laid out for you. The only missing ingredient is YOUR APPETITE. You see the only way that you can really enjoy all that is available to you is to be "hungry" enough to dig in.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think that all of you are really very hungry. You may have thought so, but are you really?

Or perhaps, you're too busy with life and its trials and tribulations to think about finding a way out ... or don't know where to start or who to trust.

Whatever the situation, it still all comes down to being motivated in some way to take action. We have people here to help you, to motivate you, to mentor you and assist you in any way. It's all in our best interest to see that our members are successful.

  No excuses.

 Alvin J.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55