18 Jul 3 Types Of Direct Mail Marketing Letters

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The United States Postal Service charges $0.44 cents to mail a First Class Letter. This is a cost-effective method for getting new customers and keeping current customers. You don’t need to have any special skills to send direct mail letters. There three types of direct mail letters most businesses use.

Introductory Letters. This letter should always contain your company info: address, phone and fax number, web address and e-mail address. State what products you sell or the type of service business have. Don’t attempt to make a sale, but do tell the prospect you’re interested in doing business with them. Give them an incentive to keep you in mind.

Sales Letters. In a sales letter you want the prospect to know you are attempting to sell them your product or service. Explain how your product or service will benefit the prospect if they make a purchase. State payment plans, shipping options, and return policies. Offer something free or half-off. Create urgency. And remember to ask them for the sale.

Maintaining Contact Letter. This letter should be written as if you were speaking to a friend. Ask how they have been. Invite them to lunch or to play a round of golf, etc. Let them know what is going on with your company. Share with them any new products or services. Include a coupon or free gift. If you have good penmanship you could handwrite this letter instead of typing it. Make your valued customers feel special with this letter.  They’re the reason why your company is still open for business.

Here is one of EastLake’s direct mail Sales letters.

July 5, 2010

Donna M. Cephas
EastLake Marketing Group
2610 X Street Suite #12
Sacramento, CA 95818


In today’s competitive environment, it is important to keep your name highly visible within your market place. At EastLake Marketing Group, we create solutions to build your company identity and image that are proudly displayed, often used….but, never discarded.

Our ideas have been used by numerous local businesses just like yours….to make their brand memorable with customers. EastLake has created hundreds of highly successful promotional campaigns for trade shows, meetings, conferences, open houses, company anniversaries, direct mail and holiday gifts.

All orders are shipped directly from the factory to you. Production time is 2 weeks on most items. Flexible payment plans are available. We take Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and checks. Our friendly staff will help you step by step with your order.

EastLake is interested in helping you build your brand using promotional products. Contact Donna M. Cephas at 916.548.6328 for a free phone consultation. View our online catalog at www.eastlakemarketing.com. I look forward to doing business with your company.

Best of Success,

Donna M. Cephas

P.S. Get $25.00 Off On Your First Order. Hurry this offers ends 08/31/10.

Happy Marketing Week!

 EastLake Marketing Group creates marketing solutions online and offline. The end result is reaching your target audience and you gaining more customersContact me today.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55