29 Jun How To Put Your Business Back In The Black

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Money is tight, I know this, you know it too. However to stay in business you have to market your product or service no matter what the economy happens to be. You got to spend money to make money. I feel your pain. Below is how I propose to ease your pain. Read on.

I am offering you my marketing skills for $250.00, I charge $500.00 per project, so you are most definitely getting a deal. I will create or redesign the marketing materials you need to attract new customers to your business. What type of materials you say? Whatever type of marketing you are using that is not gaining you new customers. New customers are what you need to stay in business. You have my word that I will only charge the price plus tax, listed above no matter how much work you need done. My goal is to help you.

Your current marketing materials most likely may have been created in a booming economy, you had no problem attracting new customers, now things have changed. You now need marketing that is in tune with your customers current needs, not their past needs. Customers are cautious about spending their money due to the failing economy. They are expecting you to offer value and a discount. They are expecting your product or service to be the solution to their problems. So take a look at your current marketing materials. Are they in tune with what is going on today? If not, then we need to talk.

EastLake Marketing Group creates marketing materials online and off-line. I have 20 + years of marketing knowledge. I’m very talented at what I do, I’ve also pooled together a group of equally talented folks to work with me. No cookie-cutter work done here. EastLake Marketing Group creates innovative marketing solutions specifically designed for your company. The end result is you reaching your target audience, gaining new customers, and earning more revenue.

If your current marketing materials are not pulling in new business, don’t waste another dime. Contact me today at 916.548.6328, let’s discuss how I can get your business back in the black. I look forward to speaking with you. Don’t sleep on this one. There are not a ton of Marketing Consultants offering to discount their services for you, contact me today. This offer ends 07/31/10.

 EastLake Marketing Group creates solutions marketing online and offline. The end result is reaching your target audience and you gaining more customersContact me today.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55